Perspective on: A Happy New Year

Having a True “Happy New Year”

How many times in the last few days have you heard these words, “Happy New Year”? Probably far more than you can remember. These words may have various meanings depending on one’s background and their own personal values. Have you ever considered the spiritual aspects and implications of this phrase?

Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount can so easily help us to see that the Bible speaks of happiness, not just at the beginning of a year, but about true happiness every day of the new year.

What is Jesus' perspective on a Happy New Year?

What is Jesus’ perspective on a Happy New Year?

Jesus began His first recorded discourse with the Beatitudes. The word “beatitudes” is a Latin word for being blessed. In His sermon, Jesus used the word “blessed” nine times. The Greek word found here is far different from the way we usually define the word. When the angel announced to Mary that she was to bear the Son of God, he said, “Blessed are you among women” (Luke 1:28). The windows of heaven had been opened and the favor of God had been poured on upon the virgin. The Greek word the angel used is not the one found in the Beatitudes.

Defining the word blessed in the Beatitudes. The word blessed in Matthew 5:3-11 indicates happiness and joy. Jesus defined the source of true happiness in this first sermon.

Who is the one who is blessed (happy)? What avenue should we follow to have true happiness from heaven?

· Have a humble spirit (poor in spirit), not filled with pride

· Learning how to deal with grief (those what mourn)

· Putting others before self (those who are meek)

· Longing to be righteous (hungering and thirsting for it)

· Have a forgiving spirit (those who are merciful)

· Purity of life and soul (pure in heart)

· Sowing peace (being a peacemaker)

· Suffering for doing right (persecuted)

· Reviled (all kinds of evil falsely said about you)

Look at His conclusion. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad.” Now that’s real happiness!

What is the motivation for seeking this kind of a happy new year? Look at the verses again and pay attention to what awaits us: being part of His kingdom here and in heaven (v. 3); being comforted by heaven (v. 4); possessing the earth in a way the ungodly will never understand (v. 5); filled with His righteousness (v. 6); receiving abundance of mercy (v. 7); seeing God (v. 8); being called God’s child (v. 9); receiving His kingdom (v. 10); being associated with the prophets and having a great reward in heaven (v. 12).   Happy New Year!

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La migración anual del salmón rojo es un evento único en la naturaleza. Su comportamiento y su retorno al mismo río en donde nació son algo realmente impresionante. Algunos investigadores tienden a pensar que este pez posee un sentido del olfato desarrollado tanto que puede oler el mismo lugar donde nació en Alaska y nadar hasta allá. De acuerdo con la revista digital “La Voz de América”, el salmón rojo es crítico para los ecosistemas del área ya que provee de alimento a: osos grises, águilas calvas, e incluso lobos. Es increíble destacar el noble fin de los salmones en esta ruta de la muerte. Ellos, una vez que han alcanzado su más grande objetivo, que es reproducirse, terminan sacrificando sus cuerpos para fertilizar con la que la nueva vida será sustentada.¿De qué manera la vida de este pez prueba la existencia de Dios? Estoy persuadido de que la migración y la presencia de este pez en aguas del pacífico demandan la existencia de un diseñador inteligente.SALMÓN ROJO


Algunos pasajes de la escritura se refieren a la vida bajo el agua como una obra del creador. Desde el Génesis 1:20-21, la sagrada inspiración le atribuye a Dios la vida de los peces, incluido el salmón rojo. Si tomamos seriamente las implicaciones del Génesis, la aparición de todo ser vivo en las aguas se dio al quinto día. Cosa que para mí tiene mucho sentido, pues la aparición instantánea de todos los peces al mismo tiempo proporciona el ambiente ideal y el balance propicio en la cadena alimenticia.

El Salmo 8:8-9 dice: “Las aves de los cielos y los peces del mar; todo cuanto pasa por los senderos del mar”. ¡Oh, Jehová, Señor nuestro, ¡Cuán grande es tu nombre en toda la tierra! La exaltación del nombre del Señor en la última parte parece sugerir la idea de un diseño complejo, inteligente, funcional y magníficamente perfecto en las aves y los peces parece asomarse aquí sino ¿Por qué relacionar su grandeza con la creación del quinto día? Claro, solo basta leer los versos anteriores para descubrir la mención de toda creación y que todo aquello obrado por sus dedos es perfecto en diseño.

Por último, deseo mencionar brevemente Jeremías 16:16 en relación al salmón rojo. Quizás la relación se encuentre un poco alejada, sin embargo, el hecho trascendental aquí es la realidad de la caza. Igual que el Señor permite que otras especies se alimenten del pez, nuestro Dios permitiría que Israel fuera cazado por Babilonia como castigo. Hay algo que aprender en este pasaje sobre la voluntad permisiva de Dios. El Dr. Thomas Constable realiza una observación interesante en su comentario sobre este texto. Él hace notar lo siguiente:

a migración anual del salmón rojo es un evento único en la naturaleza. Su comportamiento y su retorno al mismo río en donde nació son algo realmente impresionante. Algunos investigadores tienden a pensar que este pez posee un sentido del olfato desarrollado tanto que puede oler el mismo lugar donde nació en Alaska y nadar hasta allá. De acuerdo con la revista digital “La Voz de América”, el salmón rojo es crítico para los ecosistemas del área ya que provee de alimento a: osos grises, águilas calvas, e incluso lobos. Es increíble destacar el noble fin de los salmones en esta ruta de la muerte. Ellos, una vez que han alcanzado su más grande objetivo, que es reproducirse, terminan sacrificando sus cuerpos para fertilizar con la que la nueva vida será sustentada.

El Señor iba a convocar a pescadores (cf. Ezequiel 12:13; Ezequiel 29:4-5; Amós 4:2; Habacuc 1:14-17) y cazadores (cf. Amós 9:1-4) para reunir a su gente y tomarlos como presa, incluso a los que estaban escondidos. Estos agentes serían los invasores babilónicos.

“Cuando Jesús usó la metáfora de los pescadores para describir la misión de sus discípulos (ver Marcos 1:17; Mateo 4:19), estaba invirtiendo su significado del que pretendía Jeremías”. Los pescadores de Jeremías capturaron hombres para juzgarlos; los pescadores de Jesús capturaron a ellos para salvarlos. (Constable, 1973).


El argumento deductivo es una forma de deducción simple. Esta forma lógica de argumentación es impenetrable si tanto las premisas como la conclusión son verdaderas. En este caso, una serie de verdades nos construyen las premisas que sostienen indudablemente la existencia del Dios de la Biblia (aludiendo a los pasajes bíblicos anteriormente citados). Considere conmigo:

  1. El salmón rojo está diseñado para adaptarse de agua salada a agua dulce.
  2. Los osos grises no subsisten sin el salmón (40 aproximadamente al día).
  3. Mueren aún con el vigor de sus vidas para que sus alevines (crías) tengan vida.

Estas premisas, aunque podrían existir más enunciados, construyen un argumento sustentable: el Dios de la Biblia es el diseñador inteligente quien demuestra su poder en la existencia del Salmón rojo.

De manera concreta podemos decir que el argumento deductivo lo que hace es permitirle a uno encontrar las pruebas necesarias que pueden utilizarse para determinar si la conclusión a la que uno ha alcanzado es correcta o no lo es. La teoría de la evolución, por otra parte…


Resulta que, en la vida del Salmón Rojo, la teoría de la evolución no tiene lugar alguno. La fenología y en gran parte la simbiosis que toma lugar en estos fascinantes peces muestra la imposibilidad de que ellos hayan aparecido y aprendido sencillamente “porque si” todas estas habilidades y cualidades únicas que muestran un diseño inteligente.

Por otra parte, el Dr. Michael Behe (profesor de bioquímica en Lehigh University) explica con gran destreza el concepto de “complejidad irreducible”, mismo que observamos en el salmón rojo. A manera de ejemplo lo que yo logro pervivir de este profesor es que cuando hay ecosistemas y agentes tan complejos tales no pueden ser reducidos a la “casualidad”. Sería como observar en la playa un enorme Boing 747 aparcado en la arena y concluir que el avión es el resultado de la casualidad de las tranquilas olas del océano. Dios existe, y su creación lo sabe. Alguien dijo que las cosas se parecen a su dueño y también la expresión ¡hijo de tigre sale rayado!, son famosas frases en Latinoamérica. Considero que hay algo de razón en la expresión, tanto como el sacrificio del Salmón rojo al morir para fertilizar el agua, garantizando así un inicio exquisito para sus crías, lo cual inmediatamente lo

relaciona directamente con su creador Jesús (Col. 1:15), quien dio su vida para garantizar la vida de los suyos. El maestro dijo: “Nadie tiene mayor amor que este, que uno ponga su vida por sus amigos” (Jn. 15:13).


El salmón rojo solo es una muy pequeña pieza de evidencia en un vasto mar de hechos empíricos en nuestro planeta a favor de la existencia de Dios. Mientras más aprendemos de estos hechos más rápido cae la teoría improbable de la evolución. Ni siquiera con la idea Darwiniana de la adaptación de las especies la teoría sobrevive, ya que, si la respuesta (que ofrecen los evolucionistas) es que el Salmón ha evolucionado para adaptarse a estas condiciones tan peculiares, la declaración exige la pregunta ¿Por qué no se adapta en otras aguas, por qué tiene que regresar (nadando contra corriente, con peligro de osos, águilas, lobos, etc.) exclusivamente al lugar donde nació, cueste lo que cueste? La ciencia aún no tiene respuesta. La razón de la espalda a la evolución y la Biblia con claridad afirma: “Bendito Jehová Dios, el Dios de Israel, el único que hace maravillas”. —Salmos 72:18


Constable, Thomas. DD (1973). Comentario Bíblico en Jeremías 16. Dr. Constable’s Expository Notes (

Behe, Michael Ph.D (2022). Diseño inteligente (Episodio 1).

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Children’s Church Bible Hour

Children’s Church

An innovation increasingly found within congregations is “Children’s Church”. In some places it is called, “Youth worship”, “ Bible Hour ”, “Youth Ministry” or some other child focused monicker. It is characterized by a time during a regular congregational assembly in which some adults and some children leave and break off into one or more other groups. When did this practice start? What caused this practice to start? What functions occur during the group break off? Are these divisions authorized in scripture?

childrens church bible hour is found in what scripture

Children’s Church Bible Hour is found in what scripture?

The teaching of Word of God to children extends back at minimum to the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy 4,6). This practice continues today under the Covenant of Christ (Ephesians 6, I Thessalonians 2). In modern times we see the first “Sunday School Classes” developing in late 18th century England (19th century America) as an opportunity to educate children. These were not during the congregational assembly. The Children’s Church as we study at the moment, did not begin until the latter half of the twentieth century and came about as part of a larger youth centered focus by protestant congregations as a whole (Youth Ministry / Youth Ministers). An integral part of these actions was the belief that a larger focus on pleasing and socialization of youth would create church growth and increase youth retention. While it is absolutely true that families are attracted to congregations with larger numbers of youth, studies have shown that youth retention has declined with the youth movement. Families are finding the socialization they were looking to find, but the development of spiritual minds for a lifetime is not occurring. Some Denominations are already moving away from the youth minister practice and looking back to families to provide youth development and socialization.

Unlike “Sunday School”, Children’s Church takes place during the time of the Sunday congregational assembly wherein we see the worship of prayer, giving, teaching, singing, and the Lord’s Supper by the Church. In some places, Children’s Church extends the entire period of this worship, in others only during the teaching segment. Predominantly, it is characterized by youth’s from birth to age seven. However, in some congregations and denominations this time involves teenagers as well. As Sunday School evolved from a teaching time to a blurred focus of child teaching / socialization / fellowship, the innovation of Children’s Church began with a blurred focus. It was created to provide a number of perceived benefits: 1. An atmosphere where children could have teaching at their level. 2. An atmosphere where children could be free to run about instead of needing to sit. 3. An atmosphere where they could socialize with children their age. 4. A time where adults could focus on teaching which was free of the distraction of their children and others.

The activities of children’s Church in some areas involve a mock adult service right down to a pretend Lord’s Supper. However, most are characterized by youth play time and activities like coloring in conjunction with short simple lessons and snacks. Essentially, the group of children which has spurred off from the main assembly requires a number of adults or even teens which acts as baby sitters / monitors / teachers. Of course, with an increase in the age of the group, the amount of teaching / biblical discussion typically increases.

Is the practice of Children’s Church authorized in scripture? There is not a single example of this in the Word of God. We do see the church coming together in Acts 20, I Corinthians 11, and 14 and worshipping as they are assembled together. However, we do not see any authorized division (as created today in many places) such as the innovation of Children’s Church.   Hebrews 10:25 specifically warns against separating from the assembly. Children’s Church pulls not only children, but adults away from the assembly of the saints, the Church of God. How can all we do in word or deed be in the name of Christ (His authority – Colossians 3) if the Church is practicing something Christ never initiated? How can we be following an unauthorized practice in direct violation of scripture which we know was invented long after the time of Christ?

Children’s Church has become a popular youth ministry, it’s just not from God. Our children would be greatly aided by learning to sit quietly and in reverence of God with the assembly of saints. They would be deeply benefited by seeing adults, Bible’s in hand, turning to read the Word of God with hunger for growth. Our children could grow from observing adults actively taking notes. Our God would be pleased with children sitting next to their parents singing boldly as they praised God and edified the Church. Children and adults missing from a commanded assembly of the saints is sinful. Elderships have the authority to shepherd their flocks and provide differing teaching settings for all ages (Acts 20), however, no man has the authority to be in opposition to God’s Word when He has directed a full assembly of worship. Let us be more concerned with proper teaching and examples for our children (Proverbs 22:6), rather than leaving them with the idea that the Church of our Lord is a country club focused on socialization where they can do things according to their own will and desire.

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Inward Examination

Inward Examination

Last [article] we looked outward to those whom God regards as fools. It is a serious matter for anyone to call another a fool (Matt. 5:24), yet our omniscient God often describes some people as fools. This week we look inward to see that our God may use these very words to describe our actions.

Before hastily deciding that we are not fools, hear these words from God. “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes” (Prov. 12:15). The fact that we may not think of ourselves in these terms does not mean that God does not see us that way. Because almost every fool does not see himself as being foolish, we must remember that we might be among that number.

As we look inward, hear these other words from Solomon. “Fools mock at sin” (Prov. 14:9). Our world so flippantly makes light of that which will cost men their souls. Look at the content of social media and take notice of how we are entertained by viewing sin. Wise men hear and live by these words, “Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good” (Rom. 12:9). Wise men will heed these words.

As you do a “fool check,” read God’s words about those who talk all the time. “A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back” (Prov. 29:11). “And a fool’s voice is known by his many words” (Ecc. 5:3). “A fool also multiplies words” (Ecc. 10:14). “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him” (Prov. 18:13). Now read all these verses again and look inward to ask yourself if you are talking too much.

In the Parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus describes that man who was prospering in so many ways. He wanted new barns, greater barns, in which to store his riches. He looked to the future and found security in all that he had worked so hard to gain. He said to his soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry” (Luke 12:19). God said to him, “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provide?” He then describes every man who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. Look inward, and then if guilty of the same sin, hear the voice of God as it may describe you. “Fool!”

These words look at only a few times God describes not just the wicked and evil but His own people. As you read the Bible take time to think about how God determines who is a fool. May His words describing Israel never describe us: “My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are silly children…they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge…they are foolish; for they do not know the way of the Lord” (Jer. 4:42; 5:4). Look inward! Don’t be a fool

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Treasures in Heaven

Treasures in Heaven

The holiday season is upon us, and many will be bustling about acquiring various items to supplement the various chattel that already adorn our domiciles. This year will be different, though. More online purchases and less in-person purchases will be the norm. While we are giving, let’s not forget to give something that will truly last. I refer to those treasures in heaven that can never be taken away. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:19-21, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”Treasures

Peter tells us that everything that is in the earth will one day be burned up. “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up” (2 Peter 3:10). We should not put a lot of stock in physical things that will one day perish, but rather, focus on the spiritual. Where is our treasure? Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 1:11-12 states, “They will perish, but You remain; And they will all grow old like a garment; Like a cloak You will fold them up, And they will be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not fail.”

How do we give Jesus? By giving people His words. Everyone will be judged by them (John 12:48).

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