A Life for Christ

A Life for Christ

While Paul is in prison he writes an impassioned plea to his beloved brothers and sisters in Philippi. He says that while dying would be most beneficial for him it was more needful for them that he remains alive; and that remaining alive, for him, is Christ (1:21–24). He desires that they too live their lives together as “worthy of the gospel of Christ” and that they “stand fast in one spirit” and strive together with “one mind” for “the faith of the gos-pel” (1:27). But just what does that life look like?

1. It suggests humbling ourselves and having the mind of Christ (2:2–8). Pride will lead to our destruction (Proverbs 16:18), but humility will lead to our exaltation (1 Peter 5:6).

2. It indicates being obedient and working out our own salvation (2:12). True, biblical faith always acts (James 2)! Jesus’ faith in the plan and operation of His Father lead him to “always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29). It is impera-tive for us to prove our love by being obedient (John 14:15)!

3. It points to doing all things without griping or com-plaining (2:14).

4. It implies rejoicing (3:1; 4:4).

5. It signifies never giving up (3:13–14; 4:1).

6. It means being thankful and thinking on the things that come from above (4:6–8).

What does continuing to live here on earth mean to you? Would you consider death to be gain? These two questions are inseparable. Have the mind of Christ my friends, and be faithful!