Importance of Obedience

Importance of Obedience

As Jesus began teaching, He went to a mountaintop and with His disciples around Him, He startled those who heard Him by the way He preached. “When Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Matt. 7:28-29). So much of what He taught was so different from what most individuals thought about religion.

Obedience requires setting self aside.

Obedience requires setting self aside.

Many Jews of His day strongly believed that the outward manifestation of their devotion was the evidence of their acceptance by God. They thought that long, repetitious prayers publicly delivered showed that those praying were accepted by God (Matt. 6:5-7). They thought that regular fasting characterized by disfigured faces indicated the holiness of the person fasting (Matt. 6:16-18). They thought that those who gave great gifts to those in need, in such a way so that others saw it, was the proof of great spirituality (Matt. 6:1-3).

Jesus looked at those who taught these ideas and described them as wolves who looked like sheep. He urged His followers to take a deeper look at these religious leaders and judge them by their fruits (Matt. 7:15-16).

Look at the clarity of His words as He neared the end of this discourse, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 7:21). This was the exact opposite of those who defined spirituality with the wrong measure. Those who did this thought their salvation was assured because they called Him “Lord,” yet Jesus said that such did not guarantee acceptance.

He then mentioned other things which would not bring salvation. At the final judgment there would be those prophets (preachers) claiming to speak for God who would be lost. He said that there would be those who claimed they were performing miracles like casting out demons who would be lost. He said there would be those who claimed to perform mighty deeds who also would hear the words, “Depart from Me, I never knew you” (Matt. 7:22-23).

Then, who will be saved? He answers this in one brief phrase and one parable. Who will be saved—those who do the will of My Father (Matt. 7:21)! External religion without obedience to what He says cannot bring salvation. The parable of the two builders vividly shows one’s “spiritual house” does not stand unless the rules are followed.

It is not enough to be religious. The only one who is assured by Jesus of salvation is the one who “…does the will of My Father.” True religion is manifested in the life of an individual, but those deeds come from a heart which first seeks the will of the Father. This shows the importance of obedience!

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Family Trouble?

Family Trouble

The New Year’s holiday is a time for family, friends, and reflection. Many families spend the holiday season on the road, traveling to parent’s or sibling’s homes. Blow-up mattresses or sofa beds are pulled out for the children, as 12-20 people descend on a house that normally has 4-5 people living in it (or two in the case of older parents!). Board games are dusted off and old memories are rehashed, as family members reminisce.

Oh the Joys of Family Get Togethers...

Oh the Joys of Family Get Togethers…

Oftentimes, during these special times, conversations will turn to a cousin or uncle who “ran into a little trouble with the law.” Or maybe Mom or Dad shares the latest update of the troubled marriage of so-and-so, or your niece who had a baby before getting married. Then there’s usually at least one story of a distant relative who went off the deep end, and is now battling addiction. It really doesn’t take long to realize that your family does not resemble those iconic images painted by Norman Rockwell. In fact, the more you think about it, the more you realize your extended family is messed up.

Well, congratulations! You are in good company. I know we don’t often like to talk about it, and we certainly don’t want to share it with our church family—less they think we are not perfect. But the reality is most families are pretty messed up these days. We have families all around us (and maybe in our own homes) that are struggling with things like divorce, addiction, pride, materialism, worldliness, prison, child-support, etc… But again, let me remind you that you are not alone.

The book of Matthew was a book written by a Jew, to other Jews, about a special Jew. In the first chapter, Matthew gives the genealogy of Jesus Christ from Abraham all the way to Jesus’ father, Joseph. But take a minute and consider just a few of the individuals mentioned in that list:

  • Abraham—a man who had extramarital relations with his wife’s handmaid, Hagar and lied about his wife being his sister.
  • Isaac—a man who also lied and said his wife was his sister.
  • Jacob—a man who stole the birthright from his brother Esau.
  • Judah—a man who plots to kill his brother and sells him into slavery and has extramarital relations with his daughter-in-law Tamar.
  • Rahab, wife to Salmon—a woman who was a Canaanite prostitute.
  • King David—a man who committed adultery, plotted to have Bathsheba’s husband killed in battle, and did not train up his own children well.
  • Solomon—a man who had multiple wives and eventually paid for it.
  • Rehoboam—a man who was responsible for the divided kingdom.
  • Uzziah—a man whose pride would eventually bring about leprosy and his own destruction.
  • Ahaz—a man who the Bible records did not do right in the sight of God.
  • Manasseh—a man who did evil in the sight of the Lord and rebuilt the high places for idol worship.

Friends, I don’t care how you look at it—that list is not very flattering. And this does not represent all of them. Nor does this list contain all of the sins that these individuals committed that we do not know about.

So why am I sharing with you the fact that Jesus came from a messed up family? Simply, to put your own life in perspective and help you realize that a messed up family is not the end of the world and it does not have to define you. The reality is we have all sinned, and most of us have some “colorful” members in our family. However, Jesus did not allow the sins of these individuals to define who He was or what He was able to accomplish with His life.

Got some baggage in your life? Let me ask you: Is that going to be what defines you? Or are you going to be defined by the blood of Christ. Your old self has been buried with Christ, and you have put on the new man (Colossians 3). Now it’s time to be defined by Him!

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Understand Your Salvation

What Does the Bible Say about Salvation?

Are you certain of your salvation?

Are you certain of your salvation?

Some individuals and groups claim that the salvation coming by God is accomplished by a singular thing such as grace, belief, or faith. The Bible refutes such teaching. Salvation absolutely includes these items and they are integral to it, however, considering the full scope of the teachings of Jesus, shared by Himself and the Holy Spirit through the apostles and prophets, a much clearer picture is displayed. Neither by grace, belief, or faith alone shall man be saved.

According to the Bible Man is saved by:

Matthew 10:22, 2 Timothy 2:10 – Endurance for self and others
Matthew 19:23-26 – Impossible by man, but possible through God.
Mark 16:16 – Belief and baptism
Luke 1:77 – knowledge
Luke 8:12 – Hearing, believing in their hearts
Luke 9:24 – Losing one’s life for Christ’s sake
Luke 9:56, John 12:47, Acts 4:12, I Thessalonians 5:9, I Timothy 1:15 – by Christ
Luke17:33 – losing life
John 3:16-17, Acts 16:31 – Believing in Christ
Acts 2:21 – Calling on the name of the Lord
Acts 11:14, I Corinthians 1:21, I Corinthians 15:2 I Corinthians 9:18-22 – by words; preaching
Acts 15:11, Ephesians 2:5 – through grace of Jesus
Acts 28:28 – Salvation of God
Romans 1:16, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 6:17 – through the Word of God
Romans 8:24 – Hope
Romans 10:9-10 – Confessing Jesus as Lord and Belief in heart of resurrection
2 Corinthians 7:10 – Repentance
Ephesians 2:8 – Grace through faith by God
Philippians 1:19 – Through prayer of saints and provision of Christ
Philippians 2:12 – fear and trembling
2 Thess. 2:10 – receiving the love of the truth
2 Thessalonians 2:13 – God’s choice, sanctification by Spirit, belief of truth.
I Timothy 4:16 – Self examination and attention to the gospel
2 Timothy 1:9 – According to purpose and grace of God given by Jesus
2 Timothy 3:15 – through faith
Titus 2:11 – God’s Grace
Titus 3:5 – According to mercy by washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost
Hebrews 5:9 – Obedience
Hebrews 7:25 – by coming to God by Jesus
James 1:21 – laying aside filthiness and evil and humbly receiving God’s Word
James 5:20 – turning from sin
I Peter 1:5 – Power of God through Faith
I Peter 3:21 – baptism
2 Peter 3:15 – the Longsuffering of the Lord
Jude 1:23 – by keeping from sin of the flesh

These intertwined conditions can be summed up appropriately by establishing that through God’s grace given in Christ man has the gift of salvation by: Hearing the word, believing the word, confessing Jesus as their Lord, Repenting of their Sins, being baptized for forgiveness of sins, and living faithfully in obedience to the Word which has been given. No single aspect of salvation can stand on its own and bring man to the presence of God.

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Are You Too Comfortable?

Are You Too Comfortable?

Yes, we all like to be comfortable. We surround ourselves with the most advanced technology, cars loaded with features, large, warm homes, cozy beds, soft recliners, comfort food, and anything and everything we can find and afford to make our lives more comfortable.

Did God intend for your life to be comfortable?

Did God intend for your life to be comfortable?

Unfortunately, this mindset is all too prevalent in our spiritual lives as well. Our church buildings are heated and cooled (and even that is often complained about), we have padded pews, all the latest and greatest technology, and yet it seems even with that we are not satisfied. In fact, in many places fewer and fewer people are attending worship on a regular basis. Those who do often sleep through the sermon, lack enthusiasm, and generally leave unaffected by the word of God and unchanged.

To “remedy” this many elderships and pulpits have acquiesced to the masses to make the preaching more comfortable. We don’t like to be made to feel uncomfortable inside or out. But just like God warned Israel we need to heed to the admonition of “Woe to them that are at ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1).

Because of this ease there is, like there was then, a famine of hearing the words of the Lord (Amos 8:11). Maybe the fact that there was a famine of hearing was the root cause of their ease in the first place. The sower needs to be careful how he sows, but the soil must be receptive too! In order for the ground to be prepared to be receptive it must first be broken up. Maybe we need to seek a little discomfort, a little “breaking up” of our hearts. A little humility and godly sorrow. A little love for the Lord and for our own souls.
Comfort and ease leads to atrophy and death. A little pain and suffering in “working out” our own salvation is what is needed in order to be strong and faithful.

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The Greater Sin


Is it possible for one sin to be "greater" than another?

Is it possible for one sin to be “greater” than another?

We have a tendency to believe and teach that all sin is the same; that “sin is sin” as the old saying goes. And we do so for the most part, with pretty good reason. For example, we explain: ‘The Scripture lists such sinners as “gossips” and “slanderers,” right alongside and in the very same sentence as “haters of God,” separated only by a comma!’ Additionally, all of accountable age have committed some sort of sin (Ro. 3:23); and without repentance and forgiveness of those sins through the blood of Christ on God’s terms, any sort or brand of sin will cause one to be condemned (Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 2:38-41, 22:16; 1 Ptr. 3:21). And so we see that in some areas, all sin is similar, or on the same level as far as God is concerned; or, we see as we say, that “sin is sin.”

However, God’s holy word also makes a very strong distinction between some sins, and what He sees as even “greater” sins in certain circumstances. All are sin. All are ugly and unacceptable before God. But at the same time He still makes a strong distinction in some cases, between some sins and certain other, “greater” ones. For example, in 1 Kings 11 – 13 we have the developing story of King Jeroboam, who, because he did not want the people to go back to alignment with the house of David, took it upon himself to instill and insist upon worship which “he had devised in his own heart” (1 Kgs. 12:33), and which consummately contradicted the direct commandments of almighty God (See 1 Kgs. 12:25-33). “After this event Jeroboam did not turn from his evil way, but again made priests from every class of people for the high places; whoever wished, he consecrated him, and he became one of the priests of the high places. And this thing was the sin of the house of Jeroboam, so as to exterminate and destroy it from the face of the earth” (I Kgs. 13:33-34).

God made a “sin-distinction” in this case. Jeroboam’s decision to follow the example of Israelite worship (i.e., “like the feast that was in Judah” – 1 Kgs. 12:32), but to do so in ways which he desired and devised in his own heart, instead of doing such things in loving obedience to the clear-cut commandments of God regarding exactly how these spiritual elements were to be carried out and conducted, became known as, a “G-R-E-A-T sin” (2 Kgs 17:21; E-M-P-H. mine – DED). In fact, of the four times this phrase “great sin” – making a definite distinction when it comes to some sins versus others – is used in the bible, three of them are in reference to man-desired, devised, and demanded “golden calf” worship, which directly disobeys and completely contradicts the clear-cut commandments of God in Scripture when it comes to worship (Exod. 32:30-31; 2 Kgs. 17:21).

Why is this particular sin so directly and distinctly elevated by God to the status of a “great sin,” as opposed to just any other sin? I don’t know. But perhaps it is in part due to the fact of just how widespread of a path of destruction and devastation it caused amongst His people, as so many were so swiftly swept away down that wide and easy path and away from God (1 Kgs. 14:16), to their utter, tragic, and desolate destruction. In support of that, all one need do is read up through from 1 Kings 16 all the way to 2 Kings 17, and make a list of just how many additional kings were condemned for walking in the sinful ways, or “great sin” of Jeroboam. That list will not only surprise you due to its number, but will ultimately be seen to eventually encompass and culminate in both kingdoms of God’s people being destroyed by God, for faithlessly following the sinful example of that same “great sin” as well (2 Kgs. 17:1-23).

We would additionally cite Proverbs 6:16-19, as well as Jesus telling Pilate point blank, that Judas had “the greater sin” for delivering Him up (Jn. 19:11), to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever, that the Lord does indeed, make a very pronounced and definitive distinction in some cases, between “sin,” and what He regards as “great,” or “the greater” sin. Please hold that thought…

Because we in the churches of Christ (Romans 16:16) today, believe that the word of God is everything it claims to be (i.e., the very word of God – Ps. 19:7-11; 2 Tim. 3:12-4:4; 2 Ptr. 1:16-21), we practice the things we accept and insist upon, predicated upon a process of biblical discovery referred to as “command, example, and necessary inference.” That is to say, we make it our desire to faithfully obey and initiate all of those things which we see either commanded in Scripture by God, or see an example of demanded by the word of God, or that we see as obviously, necessarily inferred, by either the command or example we are seeking to obey and institute.

However, because “Scripture cannot be broken” (Jn. 10:35), we, at the same time, MUST NEVER, EVER, EVER allow ourselves to follow in the eternally fatal footsteps of Jeroboam by seeking to follow some example (or setting up something “like” God said), while completely contradicting, overriding, and disobeying God’s direct commandments as to exactly HOW He clearly commanded He wanted that particular action taken (See: Lev. 10:1-2; 1 Sam. 13-15; and etc)!

Now it’s true that to NOT do something which God showed us by example He wanted us to do, is indeed sinful (Jms. 4:17). However, to initiate any example, but to do so in accordance with our own selfish and time-sensitive desires instead of in faithful compliance with His direct commandments, would be even worse yet, and would be to ultimately commit the far “greater sin!” This, because we would have directly disobeyed His divinely-delivered and demanded commands as to HOW it was to be done, and would be therefore found faithless, to the absolute guarantee of our own eternal destruction!

Just as Jeroboam recognized the example of God wanting His people to worship, we too, have examples of God wanting His New Testament people to have established elderships in their congregations (Acts 11:30, 14:23, 15:1-22, 20:17, 21:18; 1 Tim. 5:17; Titus 1:5; Jms. 5:14; 1 Ptr. 5:1). However, there are certain, Scriptural, locked in stone, forever firmly fixed in heaven (Ps. 119:89), absolute truth (Jn. 17:17), “musts” and requirements that these men – and their wives as well if these men are truly going to be considered to be qualified by God Himself – must meet in order to be elders. There is no mistaking, contradicting, eliminating, compromising, or editing them. They are clear. They are black and white. They are the absolutely and utterly required commandments of almighty God Himself, and must be obvious and in place in those men’s and women’s lives, to all of the sheep in the local flock (Jn. 10:1-13), long BEFORE those couples can ever even be considered, to help the congregation be in compliance with the biblical example of elders as aforementioned.

In addition to having to be shepherds the sheep will follow, these must be men and their wives who truly desire the work and want the job (1 Tim. 3:1); otherwise, they do not meet God’s very first requirement and any further proceeding at that point, is pointless. But if on the other hand, they do meet that requirement, then it will be obvious to everyone in the congregation because they’ll already be doing that work – well and always.

In addition to and amongst all of the other requirements they must meet, these men MUST also be “blameless, the husband of one wife,” and “one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence” (1 Tim. 3:2-5). He MUST also be able, or apt, or anxious to teach (1 Tim. 3:2). This would be one who can’t wait to assume the pulpit preaching and teaching duties while the preacher is away, and/or one who almost begs for the opportunity to teach bible classes both at home and in the church. “Likewise their wives MUST be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things” (1 Tim. 3:11; emphasis mine – DED). And while these are only the tip of the iceberg, they must suffice for now due to space.

But the bottom line is exactly this: To seek to follow the example we see in Scripture of installing elders, while at the same time disobeying, compromising, or not complying with even what seems to be the most minimal of these direct commands of God in the process – to do “something like” they say, but not completely complying – is to follow in the very fatal footsteps of Jeroboam. The absolutely necessary inference included in every, single, one of those Scriptures that show those first century congregations which had elders, is that they had men and women who absolutely met those God given requirements, qualifications and commandments – or else they would either NOT have had them, or would NOT have been found faithful to God, by God, anyway! Why, to have to disobey, discard, or disregard any of God’s direct commands and requirements regarding elders’ qualifications just in order to have them, is in the same exact category of blatant apostasy as disobeying, discarding, and/or disregarding any of God’s direct commandments and requirements regarding leaders’ gender restrictions in order to have church leaders (1 Cor. 14:33-37; 1 Tim. 2:8-12); or, disobeying, discarding, and/or disregarding God’s acapella, congregational singing commands in order to have “music” (Eph. 5:15-20; Col. 3;16-17; and etc.)!

In conclusion then: Yes; to have men and women that were completely qualified according to God’s commandments and requirements to be elders and deacons and their wives, and then to refuse to follow the biblical example and install them, would be a dangerous, heinous, and blatant sin. In fact, congregations ought to be continually working towards maturing Christian couples to one day obediently fill and fulfill that role. However, to install people to those positions in order to set up something like the N.T. example in order to just simply say that we have them – while impetuously, contemptuously, and directly disobeying and discarding the necessary inference, commandments, and requirements which God has placed on those people and positions – has to be a far worse affront to Him than our not having elders if we don’t have the qualified people to begin with! I would personally think that that would be by far, “the greater sin,” and one I certainly would not want to have to face God with having willfully committed, and be found responsible for having begun carrying a congregation away with. Now… what about you?



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