Are You Suffering?

Suffering?  Don’t Give Up!

There is not a single person that has not endured human suffering. It seems that some people go through more than their share of suffering, but such is the normalcy of life. Many of us have witnessed someone cry out, “Why me, God!” And because of inadequate answers to their cry, human suffering wrecked their faith. These are real people needing real answers to real problems!

Suffering can bring feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Suffering can bring feelings of hopelessness and despair.

God does not exempt us from the problems of human suffering simply because we are his children. How ironic it is to hear Christians express the opinion that we should be immune to pain or suffering. Yet, God does promise a way to endure and bear-up under troubles that drive us to the edge. During troubled hours, we can have hope. (2 Corinthians 3:12).

The world does not understand the meaning or the purpose of life. The world thinks that hedonism, which is, “The pursuit that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life” is the only way to live. Yet, Christians can be comforted and depend on God, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being;” (1 John 2:15). However, too often we hear the phrases, “Whatever makes me happy” or “whatever makes the majority happy” is the single pursuit of humanity. This and the world’s meaning of life brings a shallow definition of life and human suffering.

However, the Bible, the inspired word of God, teaches the true meaning of life. God said, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his command- ments: for this is the whole duty of man” (Eccl. 12:13). The Bible affirms that as long as we follow Him, we will never, never be alone. First, we are not alone because Christians are to “Bear ye one another’s burdens, (Galatians 6:2). Secondly, we cannot be alone because the Great God in Heaven is the “Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble” (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4).

How glorious it is to have great support from Christians & God and such comfort in the holy scriptures when our faith is tried! We know that when our faith is tested by the world, we can be comforted that our triumphant victory over such things will be found as praise and honor and glory to Christ (1 Pet. 1:7). Also, prayer to God is a comforting time for Christians. It allows us all to know that someone is listening and cares for us. God has always been here for us and even though we may be tried or suffer in life, one glorious day “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away.” (Rev. 21:4)

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¿Que es una división?

¿Que es una división?

La tremenda confusión en la que se encuentran todas las denominaciones es impresionante. Sin embargo tales cortinas de humo no deberían de empañar el panorama en las Iglesia de Cristo (1Co 14:40). Lamentablemente el numero de Iglesias de Cristo que han implementado diferentes prácticas denominaciones es sorprendente, aunque muchos de ellas aún no han “salido del closet”. Con sobradas razones bíblicas podría este autor mencionar nombres sin embargo en este enunciado nos proponemos a presentar hechos con las sagradas Escrituras.

¿Que es una división? Sin mucho esfuerzo entendemos que la respuesta a esa pregunta es simplemente, separación de algo. Cuando hablamos de la división de una iglesia nos referimos a la separación de los miembros de una determinada congregación para formar otra con diferente doctrina. Por ejemplo; Martín Lutero se separó de la Iglesia Católica en 1517 formando una división  acusa de 95 razones o tesis, que clavó en la puerta de una Iglesia en Alemania. Después de su muerte comenzó la Iglesia Luterana. ¡Esto es una división! sin embargo cuando hablamos de una división ya específicamente de la Iglesia de Cristo ¿a que nos referimos? Bien, la Iglesia de Cristo no ha escapado de los fraccionamientos o división a lo largo de la historia. El hermano Gregory A. Tidwell columnista regular de la muy conocida revista en inglés Gospel Advacate recapitula lo siguiente:

En el año 1895 las iglesias de Cristo conservadoras eran un hermandad separada, una división que se llevo a cabo formalmente en 1906. Hermanos como David Lipscomb y MgGary en Texas entre otros, influenciaron  mucho para que sucediera tal división que marcó la historia de la Iglesia de Cristo. Sucedió y sí el Señor no viene antes volverá a suceder.

Como lo dice el hermano Tidwell, fue muy remarcable. Cada vez que sucedía una división en la Iglesia de Cristo graves consecuencias suceden tras ellas. Los discípulos de Cristo 1880 surgieron con ese nombre provenientes de la Iglesia de Cristo donde el rol o papel de la mujer en la iglesia dividió principalmente a los que adoptaron el patrón bíblico y a los que no. Hoy por hoy podemos seguir midiendo los resultados de tales divisiones, nosotros tenemos que lidiar con los anti y con otro montón de grupos modernos como los bostonianos, Iglesia de Cristo internacional, Iglesia de Cristo siempre en familia entre muchos otros.

Al parecer algunos hermanos no han comprendido o ignoran por completo el verdadero significado de la  palabra división. Cuando en una Iglesia de Cristo no se está predicando la sana doctrina y los hermanos quienes adoran ahí, deciden separarse de aquellos quienes no están bien, esto NO es en lo absoluto una división. Esto NO hace a aquellos hermanos que se han salido estar mal espiritualmente. Esto NO constituye a tales hermanos en rebeldes sin causa. Categóricamente la lealtad a las escrituras está por sobre todas las cosas y por sobre cualquier predicador e incluso por sobre cualquier congregación por más Iglesia de Cristo que sea. Al ser amenazados por el concilio a no hablar sobre Jesús de Nazaret Pedro replica con firmeza  junto al resto de los apóstoles en Hechos 5:29 “…Es necesario obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres”. Estimado  hermano lamentablemente por ahí  hay predicadores, que en vez de actuar con firmeza como los apóstoles están procediendo a lo opuesto, están siendo tan parecidos como el sumo sacerdote; intimidando, mandando, actuando con violencia (Hechos 5:24-28), y de tales hermanos y hermanas realmente nos avergonzamos profundamente. En el Nuevo Testamento existe mucha exhortación a repeler a los falsos maestros. Pablo escribe: “Más os ruego hermanos, que os fijéis en los que causan divisiones y tropiezos en contra de la doctrina que vosotros habéis aprendido, y que os apartéis de ellos”. (Romanos 16:17).

Este pasaje identifica, quién es el que causa la división. Nosotros debemos de ser celosos en contra de aquellos quienes están cambiando la doctrina, no porque los miembros están saliendo de una congregación donde NO se predica ni práctica la sana doctrina. Aquellos quienes ignoran el verdadero concepto de división, Pablo lo aclara, el exhorta a separarse de aquellos que están“en contra de la doctrina”. En otra ocasión diferente el pone bajo maldición a cualquiera que predicase un evangelio diferente del que ya ellos habían anunciado (Ga 1:6-9)

Aquel predicador o quién sea, que está haciendo lo que se le antoje sin consultar a las sagradas escrituras para ver que dice Dios, es quién está dividiendo, el pasaje más bien exhorta a quienes están en lo correcto a fijarse, y a apartarse de ellos.

El apóstol Juan tenia un concepto muy claro respecto a este tipo de predicadores. En 3 Juan 9-10 describe a Diótrefes con las siguientes caracteristicas:

  • Le gusta tener el primer lugar.
  • No recibe a nadie que predique sana doctrina
  • Parlotea palabras malignas no solo contra el apóstol sino hacia todos los hermanos que estaban con él.
  • Tiene control absoluto con los que están bajo su “dictadura”.
  • Llega a extremos hasta de expulsar de la Iglesia a los hermanos. (Cosa que NO tenia tal autoridad para hacerlo.)

Más interesante aún, es la afirmación de Juan. El dice que recordaría obras que Diótrefes hacia cuando llegara a ellos. En pocas palabras Juan estaba advirtiendo que iba a exponer públicamente a este hermano, pero agrega “si yo fuere” indicando el tiempo adecuado para hacerlo.

Anteriormente Pablo también había expuesto nombres de falsos maestros en público, no en una ocasión sino en varias (Vea 1Tim 1:20, 2Tim 1:15; 2:17; 4:10,14). Este autor está convencido que tal procedimiento es bíblico y es necesario eso si en el momento adecuado. Al comparar las características de Diótrefes, muchos predicadores de Costa Rica y de otros lugares de la Iglesia de Cristo presentan las mismas características. Los predicadores estamos para exhortar, animar, ayudar, corregir, -instruir, pero no para manipular, y abusar psicológicamente de los miembros de la congregación. En estas dos cosas quiero hacer énfasis ya que personalmente he experimentado tales abusos en el pasado y presente.

He visto muchas congregaciones dividirse, sobre el color para pintar el edificio o porque no me gustan los asientos, pero por defender la sana doctrina y confrontar a un predicador equivocado que no quiere salir de sus errores, eso categóricamente ¡NO es división!

Por otro lado se presenta otra actitud ciertamente similar a la de Diótrefes .Cuando un miembro decide por razones no doctrinales (desacuerdo en la enseñanza), sencillamente cambiar de congregación, algunos predicadores se molestan a tal grado de hasta inventar cargos y pecados que no existen contra tales hermanos, y otros llegan hasta el grado de murmurar ( hablar mal a espaldas de ellos) con otras personas y mal informándolos en otras congregaciones del Señor.

Como predicador y a la vez como miembro, a este escritor le causa indignación ver estas actitudes carnales que después al ser confrontadas se intentan justificar manipulando ciertos pasajes bíblicos.

Si un grupo de hermanos decide irse de cierta congregación porque el predicador no tiene sana doctrina (énfasis en la frase anterior) y forman una congregación sana en un lugar donde incluso nunca antes existía una Iglesia de Cristo; ¡Gloria a Dios por ello!.

La congregación que tolera y soporta a un hermano o hermanos que están enseñando y haciendo en contra de las Escrituras, es culpable de lo que Juan señala, note: “Si alguno viene a vosotros y no trae esta doctrina, no lo recibáis en casa ni le digáis: ¡Bienvenido! Porque el que le dice: ¡Bienvenido! participa de sus malas obras” ( 2 Juan 10-11). El pasaje NO está hablando de testigos de Jehová o Mormones el contexto en el V9 cuando usa la palabra “extravia” implica que eran hermanos en la fe que en algún momento  fueron sanos en la doctrina. En este punto todos nosotros incluido este autor, estamos expuestos a caer, sino velamos constantemente en lo que predicamos, creemos, hacemos y porque lo hacemos. Pedro exhorta diciendo: “Si alguno habla, hable conforme a las palabras de Dios…”(1Pe 4:11).

¿División o dividiendo? esa es la pregunta con la que comenzamos este breve anunciado, es la pregunta en la deberíamos meditar.  Dios nos ayude a regresar a la Biblia a suplantar los sentimientos, las opiniones y los deseos, a lo que Dios dice en su palabra. Dios nos fortalezca para confrontar el pecado y la mentira con libro, capitulo y versículo, con toda paciencia y doctrina (2Tim 4:2), y no a intentar tapar el sol con un dedo bajo la frase ¡Amor, amor, para todo amor y solamente amor!. Mi Biblia enseña que Dios es amor “pero Dios al que ama disciplina”(Pro 3:12, Heb 12:5). Dios nos guarde del maligno para que podamos edificar y no más bien destruir, trabajar para Dios y no para los hombres  ¡Ojalá! que podamos dividir por usar la verdad y NO por ser un divisionista que sostiene el error.

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Valentine’s Day

The Phony Love of Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year again, when businesses pull on the heart strings of couples to buy cards, chocolates, flowers, or jewelry—Valentine’s Day. This annual holiday is often symbolized with hearts and images of “Cupid” shooting his arrow—but the real symbol of this special day is the almighty dollar.  Last year, American consumers spent $18.9 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day gifts for their loved ones.

What kind of Love is on display for Valentine's day?

What kind of Love is on display for Valentine’s day?

I love my wife—and I don’t need some marketing ploy to guilt me into purchasing flowers or chocolates. In fact, I enjoy buying her special treats and gifts when she is not expecting it, just because I want her to know I love her all the time—not just when society indicates it’s Cupid’s turn for our wallet. Those who have been to our house know it is not uncommon to see fresh flowers in the kitchen all throughout the year—not just in February. So this is not the rant of some guy who refuses to buy gifts for his wife.

No, instead this is a rant that Christians start looking at love from a biblical perspective rather than a Hollywood version. Hollywood and those profiting from Valentine’s business want the general public to view love as a mushy feeling that causes someone to feel warm and fuzzy inside. But real love is an action. Listen to the Biblical definition:

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails; (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

Want to really spoil your wife? How about obeying the command that Paul wrote, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:25-26). Notice it doesn’t say to love your wife if she cooks your favorite meal or if it is Valentine’s Day. We are commanded to love our wives. Furthermore, how many of us are actually washing our wives with the water of the word?

Want another Biblical wake up call? Read Titus 2:4 “that they [older women-BH] admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.” Did you catch that? Older women are to teach younger women to love their husbands. Why? According to the view the media presents “love” is something you “fall into” if you wear the right perfume, clothing, or drive the right car, right? Yet, the Bible is commanding older women to teach younger women to love their husbands. Want to know why? Because friends, love is an action that requires work. Sometimes your husband may not be very lovable, and it is in those moments when older women are to instruct how to love him anyway! That’s real love. It is easy to love someone who loves you back or who is kind to you. But what about someone who is having a rough month, is sick, or knows all your faults?

Hollywood would not like the real picture of love, because the picture painted by Scripture is a selfless love. The beautiful picture we are given is Christ and the church, and the text reminds us that Christ gave Himself for her (Ephesians 5:25). Real love is about lifelong commitment—not some short-term fling that you can announce on Twitter in an effort to gain attention. And real love is about loyalty. Jesus Christ would never cheat on His bride, the church. And we are to follow His example.

Yes, Valentine’s Day is coming. Isn’t it time we demonstrate to our spouses and children what real love is all about? Take some time to read together Ephesians 5, Song of Solomon, 1 Corinthians 13, and Titus 2. It’s way past time for our children to understand what real love is all about, and not base their relationships on some phony Hollywood version. Yes, I may shell out $5-8 on a card, and I may even purchase a special gift for my wife this year. But my real gift to her is what I’m trying to do the other 364 days in the year—and that is to love her the way Christ loves the church.

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Saved by Works?

Baptism: Are We Saved By Works?

This series of articles which studies what the Bible says about baptism has shown how the Scriptures teach that baptism is something one must do in order to be saved and have sins forgiven (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pet. 3:21).  Many disagree with this for several reasons.  One such objection stems from a very understandable line of thought:  “The Bible says we are not saved by works (Eph. 2:8-9), and baptism is a work; therefore, baptism is not necessary for salvation.”

Salvation cannot be earned by works, disobedience will earn damnation.

Salvation cannot be earned by works, disobedience will earn damnation.

Certainly baptism is something one does, and therefore is a “work.”  However, is it a work of merit (by which one EARNS salvation)…or is it a work of faith (by which one RECEIVES salvation)?  Furthermore, who is the one who is doing the work?  Is it the man or woman who submits to being immersed…or is it God who forgives and regenerates them through the blood of Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit?

In answering these legitimate questions, it must first be pointed out that there are different kinds of works.  For instance, there are works of merit, which are done to earn something.  Those who have done such works believe they “deserve” something; they believe they will be saved because they kept the Ten Commandments, or because they did good deeds and went to church.  They do not realize that all the good we might do cannot outweigh even one sin (James 2:10), which is why we need the grace of God and faith in order to be saved (Rom. 3:27-28; Eph. 2:8-9; Tit. 3:4-5).

There are also works of faith, which are done to receive something.  Those who do works of faith believe that they “deserve” nothing.  They understand their obedience did not earn or merit their salvation.  They know their salvation rests upon the mercy and grace of God, not because God owes them anything.  This is why works of faith could also be called works of God.  In fact, Jesus called faith itself a work of God (John 6:28-29).  Other works of faith commanded by God are repentance (Acts 17:30) and confession (Rom. 10:9-10).  Jesus himself will specifically state on Judgment Day that those who will enter heaven will do so because of the benevolent deeds which they had done in their lives, while those who will enter hell will do so because of the LACK of benevolent deeds done in their lives (Matt. 25:31-46).

Those who say that one does not have to be baptized in order to be saved because baptism is a work…does one have to have faith in order to be saved?  Jesus said so (John 3:16; Mark 16:16).  Does faith require works, something done by you?  Yes (James 2:14-26).  Does one have to repent of sins in order to be saved?  Jesus said so (Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30).  Is repentance a work, a deed done by you?  Yes.  Does one have to confess their faith in Christ before men in order to be saved?  Jesus said so (Matt. 10:32-33; Rom. 10:9-10).  Is confession a work, an action done by you?  Yes.  Does one have to do good to all men at every opportunity in order to go to heaven?  Jesus said so (Matt. 25:31-46; Gal. 6:10).  Are benevolent deeds works, deeds done by you?  Yes.

What’s the difference between obeying God’s commands to have faith, repent of sins, confess one’s faith before men, and do good to all men at every opportunity in order to be saved…and obeying God’s command to be baptized in order to be saved?  To ask is to answer.  Would one say that one does not have to have faith, repent of sins, confess faith, and do good to others in order to go to heaven?  Such notions blatantly contradict what the Bible teaches.  So if faith, repentance, confession, and doing good are required of us in order to be saved…why not baptism as well, since it also is commanded by God?

What is hard for some to comprehend is that even though works such as faith, repentance, confession, and benevolent deeds are commanded by God, they are not meritorious works; we do not earn salvation through them (Luke 17:10).  Instead, they are works God has ordained we do in order to receive his salvation.  When all is said and done, salvation is still by God’s grace and mercy.

Baptism, therefore, is a work of faith.  It requires faith (Mark 16:16; Acts 8:36-37), and is an act of faith by which one receives (not earns) the forgiveness of sins and gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).  Through it one receives (not earns) union with Christ in his death and is raised with him to new life (Rom. 6:3-4; Gal. 3:27).  The fact that baptism is not a work of merit is emphasized by Paul when he wrote in Titus 3:4-5 that God saves us “through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (an allusion to baptism; compare this phrase to what Jesus said in John 3:5 and the continual scriptural references of water with baptism in John 3:23, Acts 8:36-39, and Acts 10:47-48), but does not save us by “works of righteousness” (i.e., works of merit).  God does not owe us salvation because we were baptized.  Baptism, like faith, repentance, confession, and benevolent deeds, is simply an act of faith by which we receive salvation.

This is so because baptism involves the working of God.  Paul said while talking about baptism that we are buried and raised with Christ “through faith in the working of God” (Col. 2:11-13).  It is God who does the work, not us!  We are dead in our sins, but when we were baptized God made us alive, forgiving us of our sins.  It is God who saves us, not we ourselves, and he saves us “through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” (Tit. 3:4-5)…baptism.

When one undergoes surgery, it requires faith in the skills of the surgeon in order to submit to the operating table.  No patient after the surgery thinks they have earned or merited healing; rather, they had faith in the doctor and were willing to submit to him.  In like manner, baptism is a spiritual operation in which the Great Physician does his work.  Our faith in God and in the death of his Son for our sins prompts us to submit to this spiritual operation of baptism, in which God does his wonderful work of cleansing us by the blood of his Son and the regeneration of his Spirit.

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Eyes of Faith

Eyes of Faith Looking Upward

It is remarkable how often the Bible makes reference to our ability to see. The contrast between righteousness and unrighteousness is illustrated by referring to light and darkness. The Bible uses the spiritual eyes of Christians walking by faith in contrast to those who walk in darkness. Our God wants us to use the eyes of faith to look upward.

Do your eyes see when life is dark?

Do your eyes see when life is dark?

David, whose heart was like the heart of God, gives insight into the source of his spirituality. How did he begin his day? Take time to read his words slowly and think about them. “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You and I will look up” (Psa. 5:3). Imagine how busy the life of the king of Israel was, yet he found time each day to look upward and spend time with God. How foolish are we when we get so busy that we cannot find time to look up to our God!

The prophet Micah also showed this same use of spiritual eyes. “Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me” (Mic. 7:7). Reading his description of Israel is like reading the description of America today. It was a land where men went to bed at night but not to rest. “Woe to those who devise iniquity, and work out evil on their beds! At morning light they practice it” (Mic. 2:1). Some men practice evil, but the prophet described Israel as those who “…successfully do evil with both hands” (Mic. 7:3). How did Micah deal with all of this? He looked upward to God, waiting for God to bring about His salvation. As you are filled with despair about all that is happening in this land, look upwards and wait for God.

The writer of Hebrews dealt with those whose faith was being challenged and who were tempted to turn away from God and choose a less demanding life. What illustration did he use to encourage them? He described life as being like a race. He urged them to lay aside every weight which encumbered them as they ran and to keep going onward with patient steadfastness. Then he said, “Looking unto Jesus…who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2). Instead of focusing on our own “crosses” and adversities, we should look upward to see our Lord seated in heaven. He never gave up, and we can look upward and see Him there awaiting our arrival.

So, when you are in the midst of trial, remember the examples set before us by David, Micah and the Lord. We are never alone, for He will never leave us or forsake us. Instead of looking outward at the problems, may God help us to look up. The eyes of faith see things which others will never see!

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