La Historia de Jesus ha cautivado a millones alrededor del mundo.

La Historia de Jesus ha cautivado a millones alrededor del mundo.

La historicidad del hijo de Jesús ha sido uno de los temas más controvertidos. Si realmente este hombre fue un ser real y si existió en determinado momento y espacio, entonces deberíamos estar enterados de todos los factores que se presentan alrededor. En la historia de los judíos sin duda hay personajes de gran relevancia. Los más influyentes sin duda alguno respetados por los tales son los profetas. Los profetas son de hecho líderes para el pueblo de Israel, la intención de Dios y su voluntad fue revelada a través de los profetas por eso el escritor a los Hebreos declara: “Dios, habiendo hablado muchas veces y de muchas maneras en otro tiempo a los padres por los profetas, en estos postreros días nos ha hablado por el Hijo, a quien constituyó heredero de todo, y por quien asimismo hizo el universo;”(Hebreos 1:1-2). Fue así pues como Dios se comunico a su pueblo con toda claridad, fue de esta manera también como el pueblo comprendió y conoció a Dios. Dentro de esta idea entonces muchos de estos profetas testificaron de Jesús, que vendría a ser una persona que libertaria al pueblo de sus opresores y restauraría la paz en Israel, a tal concepto los judíos le conocieron como el “mesías prometido” incluso remontándonos a tiempos más tempranos, bajo un exhaustivo análisis encontramos rasgos de Jesús bajo el pentateuco, como sombras de lo que sería el sacrificio redentivo de Cristo. A través de Salmos como: (22, 23, 28, 34, 45, 72, 89) tan sólo por citar algunos, ya había una idea más clara de este individuo que sería ungido por Jehová a sentarse en el trono de David y gobernar con vara de hierro. Ya para tiempos del profeta Isaías, Dios revela a más detalle cómo será el advenimiento de este ser. Isaías por inspiración divina escribe que el tal nacería de una virgen y que su nombre sería Dios con nosotros (Isaías 7:14). Es descrito también no solamente como un ser humano más que ayudaría al pueblo sino como Dios fuerte, Padre Eterno, príncipe de paz, admirable, consejero (Isaías 9:6).  Claramente Se estaba profetizando sobre una persona real y no sobre cualquier persona. Tales intervenciones tuvieron que venir de parte de Dios ya que se cumplieron estas profecías al pie de la página, con un tiempo aproximado de 730 años antes que el niño naciera. Resulta realmente fascinante pensar en cómo Dios estaba interfiriendo de una manera directa sobre el mundo con la venida de Jesucristo. Luego otros profetas como Jeremías predijeron el tipo de trabajo que llevaría a cabo, lo que era en si mismo su misión. Cerca del capítulo 31 de este libro Jeremías dice que Jesús vendría a establecer  un nuevo y mejor pacto con mejores promesas. La mente de Dios no era la misma de los judíos, eran dos conceptos totalmente opuestos el uno del otro. Sin embargo el testimonio que se dio fue cierto y verídico.


Un dato sumamente interesante de recalcar es que existieron personas ajenas al cristianismo o a la fe de Jesús en algunos casos que dieron testimonio de que en verdad si existió este hombre de Nazaret llamado Jesús, y han dejado sus escritos como evidencia que prueba y garantiza lo que dice la Biblia aquí algunos de ellos:

  • Cornelio Tácito:Historiador del Siglo primero nacido en el año 52-54 Aproximadamente D.C dijo: “Por consiguiente, para acallar el rumor de que Nerón había ordenado el incendio que destruyó a Roma en el año 64 d.C., Nerón culpó a los cristianos y los castigó con los máximos refinamientos de crueldad. Cristo, de quien obtuvieron su nombre, fue ejecutado por sentencia del procurador Pílato cuando Tiberio era emperador.”
  • Flavio Josefo:También historiador Judío  declara: “Ahora, fue alrededor de este tiempo que Jesús, un hombre sabio, si es correcto llamarle hombre, ya que fue el ejecutor de maravillosas obras, un maestro de aquellos hombres que reciben la verdad con placer. El atrajo tanto a muchos de los judíos como a muchos de los gentiles. Él era [el] Cristo. Y cuando Pilatos, a sugerencia de los principales hombres entre nosotros, lo condenó a la cruz, aquellos que le amaron desde el principio no lo abandonaron; porque él se les apareció vivo de nuevo al tercer día; como los divinos profetas habían predicho estas y diez mil otras cosas maravillosas concernientes a él. Y la tribu de los cristianos, así llamadas debido a él, no se han extinguido hasta hoy.” Sin lugar a dudas Flavio estaba muy bien enterado de quien había sido Jesús y de su perspectiva.
  • Justino Mártir:Justino fue uno de los llamados padres apostólicos porque fueron hermanos reales que vivieron muy cerca del tiempo de los apóstoles, llegando a conocerlos y siendo discípulos de los mismos muchos de ellos, él dijo:  “Horadaron mis manos y mis pies, lo cual es una descripción de los clavos que clavaron en sus manos y en sus pies sobre la cruz; y después que fue crucificado, los que le crucificaron echaron suertes sobre sus vestiduras, y las dividieron entre ellos; y puede usted informarse de que estas cosas fueron así en las ‘Actas’ que fueron levantadas en tiempos de Poncio Pílato.”  Tal testimonio es importante y trascendental para la historicidad de Cristo también.
  • Suetonio:Historiador romano esta vez, oficial de la corte en tiempos de Adriano, escritor de los anales de la Casa imperial dice esto: “Como los Judíos estaban provocando continuos disturbios bajo la instigación  de Cristo los expulsó de Roma” (Vida de Claudio 25.4). También escribió : “El castigo ordenado por Nerón recayó sobre los cristianos, una nueva clase de hombres entregados a una superstición nueva y perjudicial” (Vidas de los Césares, 26.2)
  • Pilinio segundo, pilinio el menor:Gobernador de Bitinia en Asia Menor (112 D.C), escribió  al emperador Trajano pidiéndole consejo respecto a cómo tratar a los cristianos. Explicó que había estado matando a hombres y mujeres, niños y niñas eran tantos que él se preguntaba si debería continuar haciendo matando a todo el que se opusiera como cristiano o si debería matar solamente a algunos.  Ellos afirmaban que toda su culpa consistía en reunirse un día fijo de la semana antes que amaneciera y que allí cantaban en estrofas cruzadas a este Cristo como a un Dios”


La historia registra que durante los dos últimos siglos personas han muerto defendiendo su fe. Durante la guerra de las cruzadas por ejemplo o durante todo el periodo de la “santa inquisición”, donde era la iglesia católica romana quien se encargaba de la ejecución de miles cuando estos decidían negarse abiertamente a ceder ante la amenaza católica. A estos los declaraban herejes y los ejecutaban en las plazas públicas o en secreto. El punto relevante aquí es que ellos decidían morir defendiendo esa fe. ¿Porqué un grupo de personas iba a estar dispuestos a morir por un personaje que nunca existió? Regresando aún un poco más atrás la figura de los apóstoles fue trascendental después de la muerte de Jesús. Ellos mismo todos y cada uno de ellos murieron acribilladlos confesando ese nombre. Por un uso de la lógica común ninguna persona estaría dispuesta a morir por una historieta.  Este es también un argumento fuertísimo para comprobar que Cristo si fue un ser real.   Los creyentes deberían de incrementar aún más su fe al conocer más y más sobre Jesús nuestro autor y consumador de la fe (Hebreos 12:1-2).  Es en Jesús donde descansa toda la fe del cristianismo, tanto en el primer siglo como en la actualidad siempre que la historia ha querido menospreciar la existencia de Cristo prueba tras prueba surge que respalda y calla la boca de todos aquellos ignorantes de Dios y escépticos.  El escéptico Voltaire referente a la Biblia dijo que la misma y la cristiandad desaparecerían en  los próximos 50 años. El murió y la Biblia sobrevive. Después de la muerte de Voltaire, la Sociedad Bíblica de Ginebra uso la impresora y la casa de Voltaire para imprimir Biblias. Otros ateos y críticos de la Biblia como El Critico Bernard Ramm dijo: “las campanadas de la muerte han sonado cien veces para la Biblia pero, esta se resiste a morir” La gran evidencia y una de las más importantes púes es que tales cosas prueban que la Biblia viene de parte de Dios y como tal Jesús fue un ser real en la historia. La mente del hombre intenta evadir a Dios es la razón por la que muchos no creen en Él ni en su hijo, pero él cree en Jesús ese tiene vida eterna porque Él es el buen pastor (Juan 10:8-10). Creer en que la historicidad de Jesús es creer en fue enviado por Dios; es decir que su naturaleza también es divina. Cualquier persona puede visitar los lugares más importantes de las religiones más influyentes del mundo donde están las tumbas de sus líderes como: Mahoma, Aristóteles, Confucio, Napoleón o el mismo Buda. Todos están en algún sepulcro hasta el día de hoy, excepto Cristo  y la fe del cristiano.

El Señor Luis Caboblanco referente a la historicidad de Jesús refiere lo siguiente:

La muerte de Jesús debió de ser un golpe casi decisivo para sus seguidores; Para los suyos, es fácil suponer que Jesús era el líder mesiánico tantas veces esperado, aquel que debía liberarles del yugo romano. Sin embargo, el nazareno murió sin haber cumplido su empresa; este hecho motivó un inmediato cambio de planes, con lo que inmediatamente después de su muerte su imagen fue cambiando hacía la de un redentor del judaísmo desde dentro, gracias a su resurrección, de forma que pudiese ser mejor comprendidos por quienes se iban a convertir en su público mayoritario: los gentiles. El auténtico artífice de esta nueva interpretación – o de este engaño – fue Pablo de Tarso que, decidido a reinventar la figura del hijo de Dios, transmitió una imagen diametralmente opuesta de él y de su obra, por medio de sus famosas “epístolas”. De un plumazo desaparecieron las connotaciones más políticas de Jesús de forma que fueron las fuerzas demoníacas del mal, y no Roma ni los judíos, las verdaderas responsables de su muerte. Pablo culminó su obra desposeyendo a Judea, a Israel, de su lugar de privilegio y extendió la gracia a la humanidad entera, en la medida en que la resurrección eliminaba la necesidad de proclamar su reino en la tierra; el verdadero, el “bueno”, quedaba ubicado en lo alto del firmamento. El bueno de Pablo de Tarso no tuvo conciencia de dos cosas: primera, que acababa de inventar el departamento de marketing y, segundo, que iba a cambiar el mundo de manera irreversible, creando el personaje más influyente de la historia de la humanidad.

El Señor Luis obviamente elabora un ataque moderno no solo a la deidad de Jesús sino también a su historiad. Lo interesante del asunto, si podrá usted notar es que él cita al apóstol Pablo quién fue un seguidor y proclamador de Jesús. Quizás el más importante escritor sobre él ya que menciona a Jesús en cada una de sus 14 cartas que constituyen parte del Canon del Nuevo Testamento. La pregunta que se nos viene a la mente es ¿Cómo el señor Luis se enteró sobre la obra que realizó Pablo? Una respuesta inmediata sería que debió haber considerado la evidencia en la Biblia. Obviamente nuestro amigo solamente hace mención de lo que él cree debió haber sucedido pero es obvio que no puede probar ninguna de sus hipótesis, más que solo mencionar lo que dice la Biblia.

La Historia de Jesús ha cautivado a millones alrededor del mundo, historias como caperucita roja y el lobo no hacen que las personas cambien de vida o sus prácticas, probablemente cautiven niños pero hasta ahí. Pero el impacto que ha tenido el cristianismo por tantas décadas y como personas ha encontrado la felicidad en conocer a Jesús en prueba considerada como irrefutable también.  El doctor George W. Braswell autor de innumerables libros menciona:

A través de dos mil años, el cristianismo ha presentado un desarrollo religioso diverso y a veces complejo. Sin embargo, el cristianismo es una religión profética, su cristología (la doctrina de Jesucristo) haya su ortodoxia dentro de la corriente y la práctica cristiana. El cristianismo ha tenido predicadores prominentes y  dedicados escritores de modo que ha logrado transmitir las buenas nuevas de Jesús con más facilidad que otros. Es una religión monoteísta cuyo punto focal es Jesús Cristo quién es el salvador y redentor de sus seguidores.

De cierta manera el Dr. George da el en blanco sencillamente el cristianismo es casi incomparable con el resto de las religiones por tan solo un elemento fundamental; la historia verídica de Jesús. Aún esta historia ha trascendido civilización completa y ligada al tema de la historicidad esta el punto de su resurrección es decir que su fama y la importancia de su historia radica en el hecho que resucitó de entre los muertos que es lo más impactante. De hecho los 4 evangelios que narran la vida y obra de Jesús toman la mayor atención en nuestras mentes. Lucas por ejemplo escribe que fueron las cosas que él mismo investigó y puso en orden. Para esto también hay una larga lista de argumentos que prueban que su resurrección fue verídica.

  • Los solados Romanos junto al sepulcro (Mateo 27:65)
  • Cambio de vida radical como Pablo, acusa de la resurrección de Cristo (Hechos 9).
  • Los muchos que presenciaron la resurrección (1Corin 15:5)
  • El testimonio de los padres apostólicos.
  • El sepulcro vacio en Jerusalén.


La historicidad de Jesús ha causado problemas alrededor del mundo pero lo más importante que podemos mencionar al respecto es que la evidencia más confiable sobre la faz de la tierra sigue más viva que nunca y esa es la Biblia el sagrado libro de Dios. Podemos nosotros hacer muchas cosas y pensar en las filosofías humanas que abundan en cada esquina de esta calle de la mente humana pero jamás la Iglesia desechará  lo que ha sido la base de su fe  durante siglos y que continuará sosteniendo la fe de los cristianos por muchísimos años más  y continuará trayendo a millones de perdidos a la luz del Evangelio. Pablo declara en Romanos 1:16 que el evangelio es el poder de Dios para salvación del hombre y no hay otro camino para la salvación de este. Cristo fue ese Mesías esperado que además de todo, los judíos mataron y crucificaron (Hechos 2:23). La historia de la humanidad jamás podrá volver a ser igual, el sacrificio de la cruz y la resurrección de Cristo fue el sacrificio más grande del universo y salvó a toda la raza humana de la condenación y la destrucción del mundo entero. Las evidencias que existen sobre la resurrección y la persecución de los que luego creyeron en el avanzan la idea que ese Jesús Nazareno causo un impacto en el siglo primero, un impacto duradero hasta la actualidad. Por otro lado la Iglesia de Cristo es el cuerpo de ese Señor, se usa en carácter singular; un cuerpo (Efesios 4:4). Su adoración única en comparación con el mundo religioso, ya que regresa a la base y fuente de toda autoridad para la religión, la Biblia. Jesucristo hace la exhortación a creer en él (Lucas 13:1,5) resulta trascendentalmente importante, al punto que no pasa a ser un punto de opinión sino más bien un deber para cada persona, el obedecer el evangelio. Las buenas nuevas consisten en su resurrección de los muertos y un día el regresará exactamente como fue ascendido al cielo. Así que es mejor creer en Él.


Braswell, W. George. Religiones del Mundo (Nashville TN: BH Publishing Group, 1994), 87.

Caboblanco, Luis. La Historicidad de Jesús Accesado septiembre 2

Josefo, Claudio.  Antigüedades de los Judíos (Libro 18, capítulo 3, párrafo 3, Sword Bible Software).

McDowell, Josh. Historicidad de Cristo (Evidencias que exigen un Veredicto pg. 86)

Notas tomadas en Clase de Fundamentos de la Fe (Brown Trail School of Preaching, Bedford TX), 2014.

Tácito. Anales (15.44, citado en Bruce), 117.


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Costa Rica 2016

Costa Rica Review


I have never traveled out of the United States for longer than an afternoon. I have never been five miles from the Border of the United States before. These statements were true until I went to Costa Rica for my first foreign mission trip. It was an honor to go glorifying God, carrying the prayers of Christians with me, and having my son along by my side. We cannot express the depth of our gratitude for the opportunity that was granted to us and the outpouring of support that was provided.

I have listened to many lessons by missionaries and reviews of mission trips by stateside brethren before. Quite honestly, I have often dreaded these. I often felt like the lessons were meant to generate my feelings rather than my logic in order to get into my wallet. It seemed like a Sally Struthers infomercial.  Honestly, after other reports, I felt like folks had been on a glorified vacation. I do not want to convey such an idea. To say that I had concerns and doubts before going to Costa Rica would be valid.  My desire in going was to learn about how mission trips operate, share the gospel with as many people as I could, and come back to the United States with as truthful report as I could about what happened when we travel abroad to preach the gospel.

Costa Rica provided a great opportunity to spread the Gospel.

Costa Rica provided a great opportunity to spread the Gospel.

I went questioning the financial stewardship of a team of 11 or 12 people spending $2000 apiece to share the gospel only for a week. Why not simply provide $24,000 to a preacher to live abroad and preach all year? I wondered, “How can a person who cannot speak the language in a foreign country make a difference?”. Of utmost concern to me was the reality behind mass baptisms in a foreign country and what happens to the souls after the missionaries have gone home. I hope this review will shed some light on these issues. I also will say up front, that I believe I can only address these issues as far as they relate to the team with which I traveled and evangelized during my time in Costa Rica. In regard to those individuals, let me establish right now, I believe they are earnest, honest, effective, and hard working souls for Christ.

One final note of introduction, my objective in sharing information about the trip is multi-pronged. We want those who supported my son and I to know we were faithful to their trust. We want to provide an understanding about how evangelism was carried out so others might be better prepared to save souls. Finally, we want to encourage evangelism by everyone, but especially younger men and women upon whom the future health of the church greatly depends and who may have not considered such an undertaking in their life.

Costa Rica Economy

Costa Rica (a Spanish speaking country) is the richest of Central American countries. The average wage depending on skill and education runs between $400 and $1000 a month. The average wage earned is $6,000 a year ( Many folks have normal jobs like we would in the states, but there are also a large number of folks who work on coffee and fruit plantations (sugar cane, plantains, pineapple, mango, banana, etc). It is not uncommon for their wage to be $40 a week. There is quite a lot of tourism in Costa Rica and rightly so. It is a beautiful place with a great climate. There are elegant homes and homes that are in very poor shape. Of course, this is true in the United States as well. It depends on what areas or parts of towns you visit. However, in comparison, Costa Rica does not enjoy worldly luxury in as large a degree as the United States. This in contrast to the fact the cost of many goods is not much different from the United States. This makes the budgets of Costa Rica much tighter. These realities have created a culture that is concerned with theft. Most homes had bars on the windows and doors and many had metal gates or fencing around the yard. Certainly, in some areas we visited drug use and the violence associated with it was a concern for the local families. Likewise, this is a very familiar concern with which families in the United States concern themselves.

Religion in Cost Rica

In Acts 17:22, “…Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, ‘Men of Athen, I observe that you are very religious.” This could also be said of Costa Rica. Only 11.3% of the people do not claim a religion (wickipedia). The state religion of Costa Rica is Catholicism (70%). On our trip we also encountered many Jehovah’s Witnesses (Christ is a god, eternal earth) and some evangelicals (Faith only, baptism as a statement of faith, premillenialism). In this religious environoment, it was very common to see statues and pictures of Mary and Jesus, as well as crosses, at the majority of homes.

Daily Schedule in Costa Rica

Our particular evangelistic efforts were spent in two locations: Sarchi and Naranjo. We arrived in Sarchi Thursday the 14th of January and immediately started an evening meeting. The meetings were held every evening through Sunday. The topics were: “The Characteristics of the Undenominational Church”, “Why We Observe the Lord’s Supper Every First Day of the Week”, “Why we Sing in Worship without Instrumental Music”, “Why We Preach Baptism for the Remission of Sins”, and “Why We Preach the Gospel and Only the Gospel”. These same topics were then repeated in Naranjo by different speakers Monday through Thursday the 21st.   My particular lesson was in regard to baptism. Each morning, we met with the congregation around 9 am for prayer, singing, and a brief devotional. My son spoke on the importance of the Old Testament one morning and I spoke on Being Spiritually Successful on another morning. Following our morning devotional, we went out knocking doors in teams of typically 2-5 people for 2-3 hours. Afterward, we returned for lunch and then would go out for another 2-3 hours before Dinner and the evening meeting. On average, we would return to our hotels somewhere between 9 and 10 pm.

Door Knocking in Costa Rica

In the United States, the fastest growing religion is said to be Islam. This is misleading. The numbers are based on the growth of Muslim families. I.E. every time a Muslim family has a child it causes the religion to grow. The two largest growing religions in the United States by conversion are the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons. Why? It is safe to say that their growth is largely influenced by going door to door spreading the gospel. The Church of Christ did this successfully in the United States during the 1950’s and they too grew at a rate faster than any other religious group. Our team of evangelists in Costa Rica held 132 Bible Studies and the number of meeting invitations and houses visited exceeded that number by a large amount. Each team had different approaches to door knocking. There are many ways to be successful. The key is to give oneself a chance to be successful by simply being there and seeking (Matthew 7:7) for the opportunity.

As mentioned previously, most of our evangelistic teams were 2-5 people. Each group had an interpreter, for none of us spoke Spanish well enough to operate effectively on our own. The interpreters were members of the Church who had also traveled in to be part of the work. My particular partner was named Noel. He is a fantastic interpreter and preacher of the gospel. It is my honor to call him friend and brother. For the most part, he and I worked as a team of two, however, we were joined a few days by the wife of the preacher in Sarchi. My son went out with me the first morning, but then spent the remainder of the trip working with the different team members and examining their approaches and methods of sharing the gospel. While I cannot speak for the other teams in Costa Rica and their approach, I will be glad to share what worked well for me and Noel.

First off, I would suggest that in sharing the gospel, the example of Luke 10:1 is a good idea. Going out in teams of two has great advantages. You are able to prop up one another’s mental capacities because we all forget things. Going in two’s is also safer than being alone, especially when not familiar with the area. Operating in groups of twos in the same area is a very good idea so the group as a whole knows where you are at. When you start to get a team larger than two it can be a bit intimidating for those you are visiting. However, a third female party (or mature young person) along with two males can certainly tone down any intimidation factor. For Noel and myself, not only did having a female with us on occasion help in sharing the scriptures with other females, but in situations where there were many children at the home our female group member sat with the children and told them Bible stories or taught them songs. This greatly aided our ability to speak with the adults with few distractions.

Second, approaching a door in Costa Rica is pretty much how you would do it in the United States – one foot after another. When Jesus instructed the disciples to makes scholars of all nations in Matthew 28:19, command included the word “Go”. To have new birth in the Church we must “Go”. Yes, you are going to have natural fear. Yes, you may have a bit of an adrenalin rush. Yes, you may not have all the answers for what is coming.

Third, in Costa Rica as in the United States, when you are out door knocking, it is often a grab bag as to what type of person you are going to meet. Let me summarize a few of the interactions that Noel and I made.

People of Costa Rica

1 – We met a man who absolutely refused to listen to us because he was Catholic and did not want to talk to us. Christians must demonstrate the fruit of the spirit in such an interaction (Galatians 5:22-23) and be the best example of Christ you can be (I Peter 2:21). This is going to happen in the USA and it happened in Costa Rica.

2 – One of our early visits was to another Catholic Man named Charlie. He said his mother was Catholic. His father was Catholic. His grandparents were Catholic. He was a good Catholic man. He was kind to all, had many friends, and lived a good life. He was not going to change his religion. Now, when encountered with something like this, many folks would accept defeat and walk away. Even in our first similar encounter, we looked for other openings. Sometimes, they don’t happen. Often they do appear. To Charlie, I said, “Hey, I am from America. This is my first trip to Costa Rica. Can I get a picture with you?” Because we seized that moment, we were able to talk with Charlie for over an hour and a half (Matthew 10:16). He scheduled appointments with us to visit his sons and his daughters. Though the sons ultimately were not able to meet, his daughters were. LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITES TO CONNECT. This is true both in Costa Rica and the United States.

3We encountered a Jehovah Witness woman who said that she had much knowledge of the Bible and was not interested in the Church of Christ. Seizing the opportunity, we asked her if she would be willing to share her knowledge with us. We had Bible study with her for over an hour. This particular woman was in her 70’s – 80’s. As she was talking to us, she began to pass out. We sat her down and got her help. ALWAYS BE PREPARED FOR EMERGENCIES (Luke 10:29ff). This was not the only health related event we ran across in our travels. You will find the same in the United States.

4 – A young Costa Rican woman readily spoke to us for over an hour about the Gospel. She was Catholic. We talked to her about the Church (Matthew 16:16ff, Romans 16:16). We talked to her about baptism (Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16). We talked to her about the purpose of baptism being the forgiveness of sins and the requirement of belief. We asked her about her baptism. She was baptized as an infant. She realized that infants are innocent and cannot be baptized for forgiveness of sin. She understood infants cannot believe. She realized she needed to be baptized. We offered to take her then and there to be baptized. She hesitated. We asked why. She said she had a big decision. What was that big decision? She had planned to move in with her boyfriend. She knew this would be sin in God’s eyes. Sin Tempts Man Everywhere (I Corinthians 10:13). Similar temptations of sin in Costa Rica can be found in the United States as well.

5 – One afternoon we came upon a man who really enjoyed listening to the gospel. We sat on a bench and shared the gospel with him. We read and demonstrated verses to him for over an hour and a half. He was very attentive. He did not attend a church because his wife did not like Religion. In Costa Rica as the United States people prioritize God second to Family (Matthew 19:29).

6 – In a very modest dwelling in Costa Rica we met a woman who was concerned over her children in the environment that they were in. She was concerned over the neighborhood environment her family lived. Earlier we had seen her 6 year old son hanging out with some local boys trying to look tough. We must all be careful with the company we keep (I Corinthians 15:33). This woman and her children came to visit our meeting that evening. Costa Ricans and Americans struggle with bad company and influences in their lives.

7 – On one particular visit we encountered a woman who had a bright pink couch in a sitting area outside of her home. I broke the ice by asking her if I could take a picture of it for my wife to see back home. She obliged, we talked for well over an hour. She had no religious affiliation at all. She was amazed at how everything we said we backed up with a Bible verse. She was not the only person to notice this. In Costa Rica or in the United States the Word of God is the power of Salvation (Romans 1:16).

8 – Our team saw one person baptized the entire time we were there. His family was either Catholic or Jehovah Witness. Yet, upon hearing the gospel, he knew he needed to be baptized. He was a young man who had some serious health problems. He knew his life would be short. Who could save him from the sin in his life (Romans 7:24)? Men and women in Costa Rica and the United States need a savior.

9 – We spoke to an Evangelical Woman who wanted instruments because they made her feel as if the Spirit was in her. We talked about the kind of music the Lord desired. We explained the only examples we have in the Church and under the new covenant in Christ is the fruit of the lips (Hebrews 13:15). Feelings do not determine our worship to God (John 4:24, John 17:17). In Costa Rica and in America we cannot be driven by our feelings (Proverbs 14:12).

There are an infinite number of combinations of interactions that can occur when sharing the gospel. None of them can occur unless we teach (2 Timothy 2:24). There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). There is essentially no difference between sharing the gospel in Costa Rica and the United States. We simply must be willing to “Go”.

I Peter 3:15-16Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.

The Cost of Evangelism in Costa Rica

It is a legitimate concern to contemplate the cost of approximately $2000 per person to travel to Costa Rica and share the gospel. Christians are to be good stewards (Luke 12:42-48, Matthew 25:14ff). What validates such an expense in Costa Rica (I cannot vouch for any other place or group due to my lack of knowledge)? The team that I was with in Costa Rica first and foremost brought encouragement (I Thessalonians 5:14). Many preachers like myself travel and hold meetings in the United States. Quite often for a week of lessons the cost will approach or exceed that of a trip to Costa Rica. Is the cost worth it? Most congregations would conclude, “Yes!” Why? Because a body which was feeling faint, that needed a shot in the arm, is uplifted. The congregations we visited and worked with in Costa Rica were 20-25 members apiece. Each evening meeting typically had 50-75 people present. The congregations were left with numerous leads and contacts. It is quite possible over time they could have done as many studies and made as many contacts as our group did, but the truth is, like Americans, Costa Ricans work hard all day, have families, and struggle with time. Preachers such as our group, come to the area with years of study and knowledge in the Word of God, have the entire week to only focus on evangelism, and do so with enthusiasm. This lifts everyone. It gives them hope. It gives them work to do when we are gone in the follow ups. The men of the group came to the area not just to teach an hour long lesson each day, but to work from morning to night. In this, the group was faithful. To the congregations that provided support to me and my son we were faithful. I strongly believe the trip was justified and the funds were faithfully used.

Visible Results

It must be noted that there was only 1 baptism and only 2 restorations. To some this may seem like a failure. Are there not teams and groups that travel and seem to report 20-50 baptisms a day? This has always been a concern of mine. I cannot speak for any other team or group of preachers anywhere in the world. I know that even with the single baptism we had, I personally, separate from the team that helped in the young man’s conversion, sat and discussed the Bible with him. I made certain he understood the commitment. That he wouldn’t be receiving gifts from us, that it was going to require a change in his life, and that he would constantly be tempted. Praise God for one soul saved in baptism vs. 50 baths. If 50 are truly converted, again praise God! However, we only scatter seed. At times we see the fruit, at times we do not, but to God be the glory in all (I Corinthians 3:4-7), and amen for the future harvest.


There is so much more I could share. However, I will close up my thoughts now. The trip was truly inspiring. It is a blessing to be doing work for the Lord. I highly encourage young and old to engage in “mission trips”. Travel abroad and focus on building through evangelism – The foolishness of preaching (I Corinthians 1:21). Travel within our own country and focus on building through evangelism. This world needs the gospel locally and internationally. Do your social events outweigh your spiritual events? Have you seen more movies and bowling alleys than you have doorsteps? This is the equivelant of a bath instead of a baptism. Let the Word of God draw man. Let the gospel convert. Evangelism in Costa Rica and evangelism in the United States are not that difficult. You just need to “go” and trust in God.

May God continue to bless us in all our work to Glorify Him,

Thank you from the depths of our hearts,

Travis and Sterling Main

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The Bible and Coffee

The Bible and Coffee

People who know me, know that I really enjoy going to coffeehouses. I love the coffee, frappes and macchiatos. I love the comfortable chairs and the wonderful different genres of music. But, what I like most of all is being able to interact with people and the culture that surrounds their lives. It is a great experience to just be sitting there and someone comes and sits right next to you. There is the all too familiar smile, basic chit-chat and other pleasantries. But this is also a time to bring up a conversation that may change a person’s life and more importantly, their spiritual life.

Coffee, good conversation, and the Bible - A perfect day!

Coffee, good conversation, and the Bible – A perfect day!

When I speak to people about the Bible in a coffeehouse, there are some things that I must keep in mind because coffeehouses always have the same people coming and going and if we leave a bad impression with one person, it will surely get around the house and then your effectiveness will be ruined. So, the first thing to do when studying with someone is to show respect. You would think this is common sense. But, what I mean is that when we speak to people who are Baptist, Muslim, Atheist, etc., if we are negative towards them when they are not around, that will show through when we speak to them in a close setting. So, we need to realize that most people are on some sort of spiritual journey and looking for what is right. We also need to remember that everyone is made in the image of God and that God is trying to work in everyone’s life (2 Pet. 3:9). So, show people respect or honor (1 Pet. 2:17; Phil. 2:3).

Alongside this, is to put ourselves in their shoes. This is very difficult when we are different from another and the further apart we are on beliefs makes it even more difficult. I mean, to those who are raised in one religion really does not know what its like to be raised in another. So, when studying with someone at the coffeehouse, think about what the other person is saying and try to understand where he or she is coming from and acknowledge what a person believes. And, even if you don’t agree with it, remember that those beliefs have a lot of meaning and value to them. For example, when we speak to someone who is same sex oriented, do we see him or her as just a sinner or as something that God hates? Or, do we try to understand first, why are they this way and realize that their lifestyle has meaning to them even if we don’t agree with their lifestyle? I believe that if you really want to reach people for Christ that you will speak to people about Christ and THEN morality, not the other way around (Acts 2; 1 Cor. 1:23). If we do not handle things this way, If we do not step into that person’s shoes, then we will likely discount their feelings, minimize their struggles, and fail to emphatically talk with them about their lives, God, and faith.

When we begin to see people in this light, we can genuinely consider another person’s point of view. We also need to take their thoughts and questions seriously. I mean, what are you going to say when someone talks to you about the hypocrisy of Christians or the problem of evil and suffering or spiritual abuse? To a Christian they may be insulting or offending questions. But, to the one who is studying he or she is trying to learn. Of course, not all questions can be fully answered on the spot, which could be a good way to set up another study with that person at a later date.

Another thing is to never judge. I cannot emphasize this enough. While we can judge with righteous judgment, this still does not make us the judge. Nor, can we pick out the worst thing in each religion or each person’s life to show them they are wrong and to show your faith as superior (1 Cor. 13:1-5). I mean, not all Muslims are terrorist and not all atheist are against a moral system and not all religious people are wrong in every way. There is a time and place to compare religions. But, the coffeehouse is not that place. Furthermore, we need to actively listen and get to know people, not just as another person to teach.

Finally, allow others to remain unconvinced. Even our great King and Savior Jesus Christ could not convince all (Matt. 8:34; Mk. 6:3; Jn. 1:11). So, we cannot expect to convince all and neither should we walk away badmouthing them for not learning things “our way” (Col. 3:8; Jam. 3:5). We should not expect people to change their viewpoints and come to faith in Christ in one conversation or overnight, so to speak. We are to present the Word of God (Matt. 28:19). Then, we should allow time for God and the Spirit to work on their hearts and minds and change their lives (1 Cor. 3:6; Heb. 4:12). I mean, almost no one today walks into a worship service and decides to be baptized in the course of a single sermon. Most people don’t have God on their minds or maybe they had a bad experience with religion or they may need to work things out in their lives before taking the next step. Also keep in mind that things do not work quite the same today as they did in the 1940-50s. Our society is not as spiritual, per say nor do most of the methods then strike a chord with people today. So, grab yourself a Starbucks, sit and enjoy the music and wait for the opportunity to present itself to you (Gal. 6:10).

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Playing at Church

Playing at Church

 As was so well-chronicled and documented by the most recent and magnificent issue of the Spiritual Sword (Volume 47, January 2016, No. 2), denominationalism is indeed on the decline. This, as many are apparently growing sick and tired of the surface, shallow, ‘driven about by every wind of doctrine,’ spiritual teaching and preaching they are receiving at most man-made and never found in Scripture denominations they are now attending. Many who are hungering and thirsting for more biblically righteous, accurate, and meaty messages which they can sink their spiritual teeth into and build their eternal lives on, are leaving their life-long denominations due to the lack there, of anything more substantive than the man-made and shifting sand doctrines that are being constantly re-shaped by the cultural tides swirling all about them.

Its time we stop playing Church and rely on the Gospel.

Its time we stop playing Church and rely on the Gospel.

To those of our friends, neighbors, families and co-workers who find themselves ever more awash in such soul-confusing and chaotic winds of changing doctrines, they desperately need to be exposed to the following: the refreshing, Scriptural and soul-saving stability, of the one, original, biblical church as seen in Scripture. The one church of Christ (Romans 16:16) that has not for two millennia; does not now in this community; and will not ever, ever – no matter what – compromise with culture, or be willingly led astray by man-made follies and philosophies! Because it both was, and is, built, and stands: solely, soully, solidly and ultimately securely, upon the solid-rock truth, of the word of God (Matthew 16:18-19). When they are ready to stop “playing at church” and get serious about God, then it’s time to come and see us.

1). When they are ready to stop “playing at church” as it pertains to their commitment to Christ. Christ calls His people/His church to complete commitment to the will and word of God (Mark 8:34-38; 1 Peter 1:13-4:5). Nothing less will do. This is not a game. This is not Roman Catholicism where-in as long as you confess your sin and continue to contribute financially, you can arbitrarily continue in sin without consequence (Romans 6:1-23).

2). When they are ready to stop “playing at church” as it pertains to the entertainment mentality that is absolutely ravaging and completely consuming so many man-made religious entities today. Our Lord could not have made it any clearer that His people are to be “making the most of the time” He has given us to learn God’s word, and not wasting a second of it on anything else or less: See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is (Ephesians 5:15-17).

This is why we in “churches of Christ” (again, as seen in the Scriptures – Romans 16:16) seek to make the most of each and every opportunity to get together and actually open up and study the bible (2 Timothy 2:15), instead of wasting precious bible study time pursuing, promoting, and participating in pointless entertainment (Romans 13:11-14; 1 Peter 4:1-5; 2 Peter 1:2-11).

3). When they are ready to stop “playing at church,” as it pertains to the biblically unauthorized, unwelcome, and sinful, infernal, addition or infusion of mechanical instruments of music into God’s original, New Testament, worship pattern. Eight times total in His New Testament, God specifies the exact kind of music He demands, desires, and therefore deserves from His obedient children as their God and Father in heaven: SINGING & SINGING EXCLUSIVELY! Check them out: Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26; Acts 16:25; Romans 15:9; 1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; and James 5:13! And then, note this: Where is the ‘instrumental’ in any of those musical passages? The same place as the sinner’s prayer of faith for salvation is found in the word of God; as well as the same place instruments will be found in the faithful house of God (1 Timothy 3:15): NOWHERE!

Let your ‘fed-up with false and surface religion’ friends and neighbors know: When they’re ready to stop playing at church, there’s a place where they can experience pure, God ordained, Spirit and truth worship, and so become the kind of worshippers the Father is right now seeking (John 4:23-24). And that is by humbly and obediently worshipping with His church, as seen in His word.

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The Christian’s Circumcision


In Genesis chapter 17, we read of God making a covenant (agreement) with Abraham that the Holy Land, the land of Canaan, would always belong to Abraham’s descendants as long as they obeyed him.  The “sign of the covenant”would be the circumcision in the flesh of every male at least eight days old (Gen. 17:10-14).  Abraham immediately made sure that he and his entire family were circumcised that same day (Gen. 17:22-27).  This was the basis for the law which required that all Jews be circumcised (Lev. 12:3).

Christian circumcision is change in heart and life.

Christian circumcision is change in heart and life.

Thousands of years later during the early days of the church, Jewish Christians who had converted out of Judaism were trying to bring tenets of Judaism into Christianity.  Circumcision was one of these tenets (Acts 15; Gal. 1-6).  Paul made it clear that physical circumcision was not required to be a Christian like it was in order to be a Jew.  However, the Holy Spirit inspired him to use the Jews’ mindset of circumcision being a sign that they had a covenant with God to teach a very important lesson about baptism in the book of Colossians.

Much of Colossians dealt with Paul reassuring Gentile Christians that they did not have to obey all the laws of Judaism in order to be Christians.  While doing so, he told them that they, like all Christians, had been filled in Christ, who is the head of all rule and authority (Col. 2:10).  Notice what he said next in Colossians 2:11-12“In him also you were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.”

Think about this for a second.  We are not under the covenant God made with Israel.  That was taken out of the way at the cross (Col. 2:14), and we are under a new covenant (Heb. 8:6-13), Christ’s covenant.  But just like physical circumcision was required as a sign of the old covenant, God still requires “circumcision” of a sort as a sign in the new covenant.  But this is not a literal, fleshly, physical circumcision.  No, Paul says that it is a spiritual circumcision, “made without hands.”  He then clarifies it has having occurred when one was baptized – literally “immersed” in the Greek – in water.

From Abraham to the church, God and everyone else would know whether or not one was a Jew if they were physically circumcised.  Does God and everyone else recognize you to be a Christian?  Baptism preceded by repentance (Acts 2:38) which was brought on by faith (Mark 16:16) is the key, the key to salvation and forgiveness of sins.  It is only through baptism that one is spiritually buried with Christ to rise again to a new life (Col. 2:12; Rom. 6:3-4).  It is only through baptism that one puts on Christ and becomes a child of God (Gal. 3:26-27).  It is only through baptism that the Holy Spirit adds you to Christ’s body (1 Cor. 12:13), that body being his church (Eph. 1:22-23), of which there is only one in the sight of God (Eph. 4:4-6), not the many found in the numerous sects and denominations of Christendom today.

Have you been spiritually circumcised?  Are you truly a Christian in the sight of God?

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