You’ve Got a Big Mouth

Has anyone ever said that to you?  If so, I’m guessing
that you didn’t take it as a compliment.  How could
you?  It insinuates that you have spoken something
that is unacceptable (perhaps you told a lie, betrayed
a confidence, slandered someone, etc.).  But you
know, in a sense, the Bible accuses us of the same
thing when we’ve said something wrong.  In fact,
James gives a stern warning about the dangers of the
tongue.  In James 3:5 he said,
“Even so the tongue is
a little member and boasts great things.  See how
great a forest a little fire kindles!”

It has been said that more damage can be
accomplished by a thing spoken than by a deed
done.  If you have ever been on the receiving end of a
verbal assault you know this can be very true.  (That
old “sticks and stones” rhyme doesn’t always help,
does it?)  But beware of hypocrisy.  There are those
who never blink an eye at gossiping, backbiting, and
slandering others; but should those same words be
spoken against them, they will cry, “Foul.”  Are you
like that?  If so, always remember, “the measure you
use, it will be measured back to you”
(Matt. 7:1).
Friend, Jesus did not say, “Do unto others as they do
unto you,” or “before they do unto you.”  He said,
“…whatever you want men to do to you, do also to
(v. 12).  If you don’t want people speaking
evil of you, don’t speak evil of them.  Do you get what
I’m saying?

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