Your Faith is Spoken of

Your Faith is Spoken of

What a wonderful acclamation of Paul to the Christians in Rome that their faith was spoken of throughout the whole world (1:8). How wonderful it would be if the faith of every Christian today was spoken of the same way.

What you say and do is watched and shared by others.

What you say and do is watched and shared by others.

Consider a few things Paul says in the opening chapters of this letter because, even though we all sin and fall short of His glory (3:23), there are a few things we must do in order for our faith to be commended.

  • Be not ashamed of the gospel of Christ (1:16)
  • Live by faith (1:17).
  • Glorify Him and be thankful for what he has done for you (1:21).
  • Be patient and steadfast in seeking eternal glory, honor, and immortality (2:7).
  • Do good in order to ensure His blessings (2:10).
  • Be doers of the law of Christ and love in order to be justified (2:13).

The faithful, however, do not do these things so that their faith may be spoken of by men. We do all we can to hear our faith spoken of by Christ in Judgment. “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord” (Matthew 25:21).

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