Your Coupon is Expiring

Printed on nearly every grocery store coupon is an
expiration date, also known as a “redeem by” date.
The word “redeem” actually has many different
usages, though they are relative.  In the example of
redeeming a coupon, it simply means to take
advantage of the opportunity to receive an offer or
discount before the time expires.

This is certainly a Biblical concept.  Consider this: no
one will live forever in the flesh.  At some point each
of us will die (Heb. 9:27), unless the Lord returns first
(1 Thess. 4:15).  The question is, what will we do
with the time we have?  Paul said, “See then that you
walk carefully, not as fools but as wise, redeeming
the time, because the days are evil”
(Eph. 5:15-16).
The point is, “seize the day!”  Be wise and take
advantage of the time you have to prepare  for
heaven by doing the Lord’s will; for soon your time on
earth will expire and it will then be too late.  So then,
you had better hurry, for your coupon is expiring.

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