
You Stiff-Necked in Heart and Ears

In Acts 7:51, just prior to being stoned to death, Stephen strongly rebuked the stubborn Jewish council, saying, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.”


Are you Stiff-necked?

In ancient cultures, the ox was commonly used to plow fields and pull carts.  (No doubt they are still used in similar fashion in various locations around the world today). These animals were hard to handle under the best of circumstances.  When an angry ox stiffened the muscles of his powerful neck, it was difficult or even impossible to guide him.  Those ancient people began to use the term ” stiff-necked ” to refer to people who were stubborn and self-willed like the oxen.  It is worthy to note that the Bible also uses this expression to make the same point (Exod. 32:9; 33:3, 5).

Like the Jews in Stephen’s audience, sometimes people will not budge from their stubborn ways.  To stand fast in the truth is always the right thing to do (1 Cor. 16:13), however, being headstrong or unyielding against what is right is a recipe for disaster (Acts 7:51-60).  Always remember, friends, one may not like the truth that is preached; nonetheless, to reject it is to reject God (Ezek. 3:7). “Now do not be stiff-necked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves to the LORD…” (2 Chron. 30:8).

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