You Have But Little Power

You Have But Little Power

The Pew Research Center published an article on September 13, 2022 entitled: Modeling the Future of Religion in America.  The first paragraph of that article states: ‘Since the 1990s, large numbers of Americans have left Christianity to join the growing ranks of U.S. adults who describe their religious identity as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular.’  While the article examines a downward trending of Religious affiliation, inherent in the data is the possibility that the percent of the population clinging to spiritual truth is also likely declining.    Man’s destiny is perfectly and directly connected to the Bible which is not a little power but that of God to mankind for salvation (Romans 1:16).Downward Trend

There are many assemblies of Christians across the country.  The quality of instruction they receive from the pulpit can be readily seen through writings, audio sermons, and video posted online.  Affixing the spiritual state of those lessons to that of the congregation is quite often not encouraging.  Examining many congregational websites and the views and activities they promote sadly leaves a further disappointing viewpoint. Those who choose not to gather, but “worship” at home by following these teachings/examples are worse off yet.  When observing the “Seeking a Preacher” ads which have been circulated, a deeper lack of hope is seen.  As a representation of the Lord’s true and singular Church which He established (Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 4:4), these sources lend themselves to data pointing toward spiritual decline among the population of the United States.  Again, observationally, the preponderance of spiritual truth also appears minimal.

The most powerful presentation of truth the world has ever known is readily available in nearly every populated location on earth (Bible).  The evidence it contains demonstrating the existence and perfect wisdom of God is to the earnest, unrefusable.  The pitfalls proclaimed in Matthew 13:10-23 are also visible in everyday life.  A lack of understanding, the trial of faith, and the lure of the world (desire of flesh, eye, and pride of life – 1 John 2:16) work to diminish the present numbers of Christian faithful among the living.  Yet, despite these occurrences, trends, concerns, there are faithful, seeking Christians yet.  The have of themselves, but little power; however, they keep the Word of God and do not deny the name of Christ.

Lost among the crowds of larger and mid-size congregations and quite possibly the cog of frustration to the “religious” in small congregations, herein, reside the faithful.  They obey the Book.  They follow the commandments of Christ.  They are those righteous from the first century forward who were and are in the congregations to which the seven Churches of Asia in the book of Revelation are a type.  Despite a likely decline in numbers, the presence of false teachings, the existence of unauthorized worship, and the waning of godly works around them, their hearts, minds, and actions stride boldly onward seeking their heavenly Father.  If you will, they are the representation of the Church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:8).  They patiently endure holding fast to what God has given them.  The statistics, trends, polls, and reality of the wave of data calling the weak and brazen to forsake Christ will not detour them from their goal.  The Master of the Seas is their Captain; no storm can reject His Command or founder the peace which He offers.

Friends, brothers and sisters, do not let the rumors of the demise of Christianity weaken your resolve to serve God.  Seek, study, care, comfort, strengthen, and love while there is yet time.  Rely upon Him who can save your souls.  No force, no number of agnostics, atheists, or blind guides can take away what Christ gives freely.  Do not let the illusion of loneliness overtake you for long.  The great crowd of witnesses in heaven await your presence before the throne of God.  Our loving Savior will return in the clouds and with a great cry of command we will arise with those who have gone on before us.  Never lose sight of this.  Never lose hope. You may have little power by your own hand, but our mighty God can accomplish all things as He wills.

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