You Have Been Summoned for Jury Duty

Imagine a courtroom scene where the future of a man’s life was hanging in the balance. Twelve men and women sat in the jury box and heard evidence presented which was overwhelming. The witnesses gave absolute evidence of all that happened, and their testimony was identical, even down to the very words that were said. The defense attorney made a final attempt by trying to bring in “witnesses” who were not there, and so at best, they could only give hearsay about what they thought might have happened and what someone had told them might have been said. This evidence was not permitted as the judge told the jury that hearsay evidence simply was not admissible.  There was no way to substantiate it as truth.

There is an amazing parallel between this story and how it applies to our own lives. When it comes to finding spiritual truth we are like those members of the jury. There is that testimony of those who were there when Jesus actually spoke. Their testimony is not hearsay—some story that resembles a fable concocted after the event by someone who had an ulterior motive. The issue is, did God actually say that Jesus was His son? Listen to the testimony of one of the apostles with Jesus on the mount of His transfiguration.

“For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: ‘This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’” (2 Pet. 1:16-17).

They had sat at His feet and heard His words. To insure that their memory was not faulty and their testimony was complete He sent the Holy Spirit. Their message is not hearsay. It is absolute, without contradictions. It is understandable and trustworthy testimony.

Now since that time, others who were not there have brought in new teachings. They were not there, yet they still want those of us on the “jury” to trust them and their opinions of what He might have said or what He might have meant when He spoke. To elevate the testimony of those who were not there or those who did not receive the Spirit as admissible testimony for the evidence of our faith is nothing but folly.

In his first epistle John described how he had been with Jesus, had seen Him and touched Him. John’s joy was indescribable. John said he had written His testimony so that we might have that same joy.

Let me urge you as a fellow member of the “jury” to listen only to the admissible evidence.

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