Yes, Jesus was Born…

“I’m Glad He Was Born, But . . .”

We are at that time of the year when much of the world is focusing on the events surrounding the birth of a child in Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. The Catholic church created the celebration of Jesus’ birth and linked it to a Christ-Mass. The very name is evidence that it was not a celebration known by the early church, but it originated hundreds of years later and was tied to the mass of Catholicism.

Jesus was born

Glad Jesus was Born, but…

Many are so glad He was born because it is so easy to love baby Jesus. The events surrounding the birth of a child are fascinating, but none are more fascinating than the events of Jesus’ birth. The baby in the manger and the visit of the shepherds and the wise men are well known, even by those who do not have any faith in Jesus. Baby Jesus is so easy to love.

Many are so glad He was born because babies make no demand of them. It is so easy to love those who do not demand our time or attention. All babies are cute, and others, except their parents or care givers, can enjoy being around them because they can just walk away from infants whenever they like. Baby Jesus is like that. The shepherds and the wise men came to where He was and simply walked away anytime they liked. Baby Jesus is great and so lovable as long as we are in control.

Many are so glad He was born, but that all changes when He gets older. Do you recall how amazed the religious leaders were when young Jesus talked to them in the temple? It was these same leaders who loved young Jesus who later put Him to death. It is rather fascinating that so many today have this same relationship to Jesus. They love talking about Him when He was little, but really have trouble when He is old enough to talk back to them!

Many are so glad He was born, but lose sight of the real reason He came. The early church did not focus on the birth of Jesus, but on His death and resurrection. Peter proclaimed Jesus as the Lord and the Christ (Acts 2:36). Because Jesus is Lord, Peter commanded his listeners to repent/change in the name of Jesus. Baby Jesus is one thing, but Lord Jesus is another. The only hope this world has is not found in a baby in a manger, but in a Savior on the cross. He left the manger to go to the cross, but He left the cross to go to a throne where He rules the world.

Many are so glad He was born and focus on it, but the early church focused on His cross. They assembled every Sunday to remember Him—not as a helpless, undemanding infant but as an Almighty Savior. Imagine how Christendom would change dramatically if we focused on Him as Lord instead of as a baby!

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