Working with Problem People

Working with Problem People

If there is one clear teaching of the Bible, it is that people have problems – “for all have sinned” (Romans 3:23). The question is this: how do we work with these problem people? The Bible helps us out by categorizing them into two groups: those who are willing to repent, and those who are not (2 Corinthians 7:10). Those who are willing to repent must be accepted (Luke 5:32). Those who are not must be warned and eventually separated (Titus 3:10). Are we following this pattern in the church?problem people

Penitent people are people who acknowledge, confess their sins, and then seek to change, and they need help from others with the process of change. The only way they will get that help is by being accepted. This, however, means that we must be patient and forgiving with them as they work on making the needed changes in their lives. Unfortunately, some have little patience and forgiveness. They see the penitent as “problems” instead of “people.” Instead of practicing forgiveness and acceptance, they rid themselves of these “problem people,” and kick them out of the church.

The same often enable the divisive by accepting them instead of separating from them. Divisive people are impenitent people and do not change; hence, they don’t need help changing. They will mask themselves as faithful individuals who require little to no help. Then, they will secretly insinuate their teachings in the church appearing beneficent (2 Peter 2:1-3). Ultimately, the church will be divided because of the divisive’s pernicious ways and because members did not practice the pattern of accepting the penitent and warning the divisive.

Are we accepting the penitent and helping them change or are we enabling the divisive? May God help us to follow His pattern.

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