Working on Our Faith

Recently I wrote an article titled, “Are We Saved By
WORKS?” – in which I established that we cannot be
saved apart from works of righteousness (which I
defined as “works resulting from obedient faith”).
Hence, works of righteousness, in this sense, means
“works of faith” (cf. Acts 10:35; Heb. 11:33; Jas.

The question that arises, however, is what about
Titus 3:5 in which Paul says that salvation did not
come because of “works of righteousness”?  First of
all, Paul was referring to meritorious works, not
works of faith (that is, we do not merit salvation; it
came as a result of divine mercy).  Secondly, in
verse 8, Paul specifically said that “those who have
believed in God should be careful to maintain good
(i.e., works of faith).  Because of “works of
faith” Abraham was justified (James 2:22-23); Noah’s
family was spared (Heb. 11:7); and about 3,000
Jews had their sins forgiven (Acts 2:37-41).  You
see, faith without works
IS dead (Jas. 2:26).

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