Wonder How?

Sometimes You’ve Just Really Got To Wonder… Don’t You?

Sometimes you’ve just really got to wonder just how it is that God could love us so much as to send His only begotten Son into this world, to endure the hell He knew well in advance He’d have to (Eph. 1:4, 3:8-12),  in order to save any eternal souls (Isa. 53:1-10; Matt 26:47-27:50), when so few would even care (Matt. 7:13-14)…

Sometimes you’ve just really got to wonder how any thinking person with any kind of a conscience whatsoever could even consider staying in bed or at home on Sunday mornings when they are physically capable of getting up and getting out, instead of coming to celebrate the Savior to say “Thank You” to Him who would not even stay in Heaven, but would go through whatever it took, as long as it meant they’d have no way there unless He did… (Phil. 2:5-8).

Sometimes you’ve just really got to wonder how people who have made their lives into such a complete mess, can somehow think they don’t need God’s helping, healing, life-giving guidance in order to fix the mess they’ve made and to help them avoid falling into it again (Matt. 11:27-28), don’t you?

Sometimes you’ve just really got to wonder how people can be so carelessly and callously short-sighted as to concentrate only on this brief, momentary, Satan-beleaguered and sin-beset earthly life (Matt. 6:19-33), when they all have an eternal soul which will end up somewhere (Matt. 25:31-46).

Sometimes you’ve just really got to wonder how, as they get older and death gets closer, they can still stay away from studying, learning, loving, and obeying the one thing – God’s Word – wherein they can then become assured of eternal life (1 Jn. 5:11-13); and also how they can stay away from pleasing, praising, and worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth (Jn. 4:23-24), as He is the ONLY WAY to eternal life (Jn. 14:6).

Sometimes you’ve just really got to wonder… don’t you?

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