Will We See the Lost From Heaven?

In the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Abraham and Lazarus could see across the gulf into Hades. Is that how its going to be when we get to heaven? Are we going to be able to see the pain those in Hell are going through or was this just part of the parable Jesus was telling to prove a point?

This is a very challenging question. And I am not sure that I have all of the answers in regard to how things are going to be in heaven. This story is found in Luke 16:19-31.

First, this story really does not fit the definition of a parable so I am loath to say that it was a parable. The classic definition of a parable that I grew up with was that a parable is “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” Well, this story is more of a heavenly story with a heavenly meaning. Additionally, Jesus uses the name of a specific beggar. Most parables that are clearly parables use roles instead of names. Such as “a sower went out to sow” or “there was a certain judge” or “steward” or “son” or “Samaritan.” The idea being that parables never deal with specific people. But Jesus is very specific in this story naming a specific person and this would be rather unusual for a parable.

Second, it would not have been beyond the ability of Jesus (being the Son of God and God himself) to reach into life after death and give us a glimpse of how things are going to be. One of the points of the story is that we only have one life in which we have opportunity to make our life right with God. Certainly giving us a glimpse of what things are going to be like immediately after death is a good motivating factor for us to pay attention to what Jesus says in this regard so we don’t repeat the behavior of the rich man in the story.

Having these things in mind, the question centers around the question of whether in Heaven, like in this Hadean world, we will be able to glimpse over and see those in Hell. Well, I just don’t know what the answer to that question is. I do know that the answer has to be either “Yes” or “No.” Assuming the answer is “Yes, we will be able to see those suffering in hell,” then I know that whatever we see is not going to take away from the joy that God has promised that the faithful will receive in heaven (John 15:11; 1 John 1:4). I also know that the scriptures teach that God is going to wipe away all tears in that place and that there will be no more crying or sorrow (Revelation 21:4). I also know that when we are resurrected, we will be changed. We will not have the same passions and emotions that this earthly body has. We will be in a different form and we will have different experiences. There will no longer be any giving and taking in marriage (Matt.22:30; Mark 12:25). This implies that sexuality will no longer be an issue in that body. So it is going to be different.

Assuming that the answer to this question is “No, we will not be able to see those who are in hell,” we still will have to deal with the knowledge that some did not make it to heaven. Again, part of the change from a physical body to a spiritual one, no doubt, is going to involve the ability to deal with the knowledge of loved ones who were lost to sin. But even assuming that we would still be able to have feelings for these loved ones, I trust completely in the promise of God that He will wipe away all tears. Herein lies the basis for all Christian hope. That we trust that God will take care of us when we believe and obey His word.

So regardless of whether we will or will not be able to glimpse those in hell when we are in heaven, God will ensure that our heavenly joy will be completely intact.

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