Why the Question?

Why the Question?

The Bible records the question "Why?" in many places.

The Bible records the question “Why?” in many places.

“Why” is a word used 261 times in the Bible.  It is a word that is used to begin a question or to state surprise.  However, I would like to use it in regards to impress something of supreme importance.  Beginning with Judges 6:13, it states, “Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”  Gideon’s why was one of faithlessness and doubt.  He had the audacity to ask “if” the Lord was with them because he doubted that He was.  Yet, we should learn that we should never doubt that God is with us and that He can do great and mighty things with us if we will trust Him.  Later, when Gideon followed God, He used Gideon to deliver His people.  How can we possibly forget that, “If God be for us, who can be against us” (Rom. 8:31 & 35-39)?  Sometimes we forget that one man and God make up a mighty majority!

In the days Jesus walked the earth, Jesus mentioned some why’s, especially when the multitudes were following Him.  He asked, “Why are you worried?”  Put the kingdom first, and it will eliminate the world (Matt. 6:25-34).  Again though, Jesus asked His disciples, “Why are ye fearful?” (Matt. 8:26).  He then asked a multitude, “Why call me Lord and do not the things I say” (Lk. 6:46)?  Why, why, why?  So many why’s, yet, are we following Him yet (Heb. 5:8-9)?  Are we realizing that our Master once asked His Father in Heaven, “Why hast thou forsaken me? (Mk. 15:34) as His breaking heart was enduring the death of the cross?  Must we continue to ask why or can we resolve to follow Him in all things?

Then there are the “why’s” of Peter who asked the Jews, “Why marvel?” (Acts 3:12).  Jesus can do greater things for you (Acts 3:12-19).  Sadly though, Peter asked Ananias, “Why hast Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Spirit?” (Acts 5:3).  Ananias and Sapphira as we know, were the first examples of sin in the first century church.  They lied to Peter and the leaders of the church, and most importantly, to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  And as a result, they were struck dead.  Satan, the father of lies, had filled their hearts with sin and that is what he does when our hearts are empty.  But, we should not give Satan any room in our hearts, but to fill our hearts with good things.  In fact, our hearts and lives should be full of good works like Dorcas (Acts 9:36).

From Pilate asking, “Why? What evil hath he done?” (Matt. 27:23), to Paul’s saying, “Why do you judge your brother? (Rom. 14:10-12) or “Why do you glory as if the things you possess are your own?” (I Cor. 4:7), perhaps, no better why is asked than that of mighty Ananias, who when faced with a murderer of Christianity, said, “Now why tarriest thou?” (Acts 22:16).  We should never hesitate to do God’s will.  We ought to obey Him (2 Cor. 6:2).  Sure, we may have many excuses of “Why not.”  But you know, a preacher asked a man who was offering excuses for not obeying the gospel to go home, get a pencil and paper, and write down every reason he had for not obeying the gospel.  The man came the next night and was baptized. He said he could think of many excuses, but not one reason.  We should know that we have no reason for not following God.  The Lord is with us and we should not worry to follow Him.  So, let‘s put God first and maybe start using the word “why” to ask ourselves, “Why are we not doing more for the Lord?”

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