Why Should You Value the Bible?

Why Should You Value the Bible?

This Locusts and wild Honey Lesson raises the topic of why should you value the Bible.

Christians, you may have a great number of reasons would apply great worth to the Bible.  Certainly, we can all likely point to an aspect of our life that has been improved because of scripture.  I know that I am not the man I once was because the scriptures have molded me into something better.  Oh the stories we could tell and the joy that would be in them.

Those who are not Christians you may have a lot of questions about God.  You cannot see Him.  You cannot Hear Him.  It is said He is your creator.  People say He has given you life.  Evidently, everything you see around you is His.  Does this not cause you to want to seek Him out,  to understand who He is, what He wants, and what your very purpose is upon this earth?  Can you place a value upon that?  The Bible offers this very thing.


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