Why I Don’t Need a Seal

Why I Don’t Need a Seal

I believe the seal of the Holy Spirit to be a statement of His prophetic presence in the early Christians. As such, I do not believe I am sealed by Him today. That does not bother me.  I know, from experience in teaching, hearing that troubles and even frightens many people. Most times I have approached this topic, people’s reaction has been visceral and emotionally charged.  Quickly we move passed a simple interpretive disagreement. It is apparent that we are treading on ground very important to people.  That tells me, they believe the effect of that seal is more than theoretical – it is critical, if not essential to their faith.

Why do I need a seal?

Why do I need a seal?

That has always troubled me.  It means they believe that something beyond their faith and God’s word is needed. It means that they, at least on some level, have a belief that something that they cannot define (At least, I struggle to find consistent teaching about the nature/effect of the seal) or understand plays an integral role in their daily faithfulness. Whether they understand or acknowledge it, strengthening their faith is ultimately beyond their full control. It accepts that some unseen spiritual conflict has a daily impact on their faith. It suggests a power is in Satan’s possession that is greater than any I have ever found described in scripture.

I reject the concept that a current and active seal of the Spirit is integral to my faith. The armor God provides me through His word is enough for me to face every attack of Satan.  That armor is forged by my soul being transformed by His word – not through some indescribable influence that I cannot understand. I believe I bear the sole responsibility for the “growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” That does not frighten me. I know His word is true and provides me with everything I need for my life and my godliness. That’s why I don’t need a seal.



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