Why Am I a Member of the Church of Christ?

Indeed! Why are you a member of any church of which you call yourself a member? We read in the scriptures, Try your own selves, whether ye are in the faith; prove your own selves (2 Corinthians 13:5a). God does not want me to just take for granted that I am saved. He wants me to examine my life each and every day to make sure that I am doing what He wants me to do. He said to the Corinthians, Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12).

To whom will you give account in the day of judgment? Each soul will be held accountable to God through the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 2:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9). The gospel is the only standard of judgment. It makes a whole lot of sense to do what the gospel teaches in matters regarding the church. This is the basic answer to the question in the title of this article. I am a member of the church of Christ because the church of Christ does what the gospel of Christ says do. This is the ONLY reason that ANYONE should be a member of ANY church.

What is it that the church of Christ does that the gospel says the church should do? First and foremost, the church of Christ HONORS the name of Christ. Many churches today claim to honor Christ, but the name they show on their sign honors man. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 that ANY name that honors ANYONE other than the one who was crucified for your salvation is a name that is NOT worth keeping! Yet how many churches do we see today who are named after Paul, Peter, John or some great man? How many churches today do we see named after some city or place mentioned in the New Testament? How many churches do we see named after some religious rite or function? Is this right, when an apostle clearly said to do otherwise? Try your own selves whether ye be in the faith. I am a member of the church of Christ because the church of Christ honors the name which is above all names (Philippians 2:9)!

Second, the church of Christ seeks to make Christ the standard of authority for all matters of life. Perhaps you have heard someone say, (1) That’s the way we have always done it or that is what my mother and father taught me or my preacher says or our creed says or my opinion is, etc. When is the last time you heard (2) The Bible says; The scriptures teach; The New Testament authorizes; Thus saith the Lord! There is a vast difference between the thinking in the statements in section (1) above and the statements in section (2). The statements in section (1) are subjective, relative, changing, mutable, and not dependable for eternal salvation. The statements in section (2) are permanent, unchanging, objective, eternal and will go on forever. Of which type of statement is the will of Jesus for His church? It is of the second type! Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)! I am a member of the church of Christ because the church of Christ believes in ONE standard for THE ONE faith (Ephesians 4:5; Jude 3).

Third, the church of Christ honors THE plan that Christ gave for salvation. By looking at the process of salvation as given by Jesus in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, one comes to the undeniable conclusion that there are
five things that must occur before one can claim salvation. First, a person must hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. We learn of this requirement in Matthew 28:19 in the command to teach all nations. If there is teaching, there must be hearing as well. We also read of this in Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47, and John 20:30,31. Second, a person must believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. We learn of this requirement in Mark 16:16 and John 20:30,31. Third, a person must repent of sins before coming to Christ. We learn of this requirement in Luke 24:47. Fourth, a person must confess that Jesus is the Son of
God. We learn of this requirement in Matthew 10:32, 33. Fifth a person must be born of the water and of the Spirit by being baptized into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We learn of this requirement in John 3:5; Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16. This is Christ’s plan! Search the scriptures; Try your own selves whether ye be in the faith. Prove yourselves. I am a member of the church of Christ because it honors the plan that CHRIST gave for salvation!

Some other wonderful things we could discuss in this respect are: I am a member of the church of Christ because it was founded on the day that Christ’s church was founded Pentecost in Acts 2. I am a member of the church of Christ because it is organized the way Christ’s church was organized; because it worships the way Christ’s church worshipped; because it teaches what Christ taught in regard to heaven and hell; because it teaches what Christ taught in regard to the day of judgment; because it teaches what Christ taught in regard to His own death, burial, and resurrection; because it teaches what Christ taught in regard to the inspiration of the scriptures. We could go on into the numerous things that Christ and the apostles taught regarding God’s will for man. But if the church of Christ was NOT teaching the truth regarding these many things, I would NOT be a member of it. The only reason to be a member of any church is because that church teaches and practices WHAT CHRIST TAUGHT! Try your own selves whether ye be in the faith. Prove yourselves!

If we teach what Christ and His apostles taught, then we WILL get what they got. A seed will produce after its own kind. An Apple seed cannot bring forth a Peach tree. A Wheat seed cannot bring forth a Pecan tree. A Grape seed cannot bring forth a Watermelon. Now, The seed is the word of God (Luke 8:11b). When THAT seed is planted, what will come of it? Why should we NOT get the same thing that they got instead of a multitude of different beliefs and practices? They got Christians (Acts 11:26); they got the ONE church; the got the ONE faith; they got the ONE Lord; they got the ONE baptism; they got the ONE Father; they got the ONE Spirit; they got the ONE Hope (Ephesians 4:4-6). And when the church teaches and practices what Christ and the apostles taught and practiced, you can only get ONE THING GOD’S CHURCH CHRIST S CHURCH THE CHURCH OF CHRIST! That is why I am a member of the church of Christ.

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