We Need Faithful Fathers!

We Need Faithful Fathers!

The Bible teaches that families need fathers (Ephesians 6:1-4). Many in society today contradict the Bible’s teaching. They claim that fathers are not needed. The result is children who grow up without a father in their life, but children need both father and mother in order to develop well. Mothers nurture, comfort, and cherish. Father’s balance things out with discipline, order, and grit. God’s design to have both mother and father in the home reflects the complementary nature of the husband/wife relationship. We need faithful fathers!boys father

Abraham was a faithful father. God said of Abraham, “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him” (Genesis 18:19). The father is the spiritual leader of the home. He is to impart spiritual truths to his children so that they may learn God’s ways. He is the chief implementer of justice and righteousness in the home. When children have no father, they will lack some understanding regarding righteousness and justice. We need faithful fathers!

Jesus had a faithful Father, and I’m not speaking about Joseph. His Father taught Him (John 8:28). The Father gave Jesus a good example (John 5:19). The Father gave the Son life (John 5:26). The Father loved the Son (John 5:20). The Father works (John 5:17), and the Father gave the Son work (John 5:36). All of the wonderful traits that we find in fathers were first found in the Father. Earthly fathers will fail. Their lives will come to an end someday, but our eternal Father in heaven will always be there for us (Ephesians 4:6). Thank God for faithful fathers!

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