Waning Strength

Waning Strength

Did you ever experience the days as a child where you thought you could run so fast you would leave the ground?  Perhaps there was a time on the playground where you felt you could hopscotch or jump rope forever?  For some, there may have been a time where on a basketball court they simply felt no one on earth could beat them.  It is a great and wonderous gift of experiences from youth with which our Lord has blessed us.


Your Strength Need Not Wane in Christ.

As we pull out of our 20’s, moving into our mid-late 30’s and 40’s, there comes a point where that incredible energy and strength of our youth hits a wall.  Different aspects slow sooner than others.  Your speed may fade sooner than your endurance and strength or vice versa.  Initially, it may not even be very noticeable.  However, as time goes on these things become more noticeable.  You simple cannot perform the way you did when you were younger.  You cannot grow in strength and endurance over the time frame of your life.  By the end of your life your mobility may, in fact, be very limited.

When one is born into Christ, they often feel as if they had a surge of energy and life.  Having one’s sins washed away has that effect.  As the newborn christian grows into the understanding that sins are continually forgiven by our Advocate to the Father, Jesus Christ, that energy can be held onto eternally.  In Christ, one can grow in the knowledge and grace forever.  Peter shared these words of eternal growth in I and II Peter.  Paul spoke of growth in Christ in Eph 4.  Jesus spoke of enduring until the end in Matt. and Mark.  Endurance was spoken of by the apostles throughout the New testament.  A christian has the ability to endure and grow in a walk of righteousness for their entire life.  At 90 one can leap spriritual buildings with a single bound.

John in the book of revelation writes of the message to the Faithful church of Philadelphia.  That message shared was: “Hold Fast”.  Endurance for the christian need not wane.  The spiritual joy in the lord can ever grow as we immerse ourselves into obedience of an all caring savior.  “Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice.”  Phil. 4:4

Heb 4:16 Let us therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace to help us in time of need.

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