
Church Building Evangelism

I remember seeing a sign posted so all those leaving the building could see it. It said something like, “Evangelism begins as you leave this building and extends to all the world.” There is no question that His words, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” and “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15) cause our eyes to look places far removed from where we are. May I suggest that evangelism starts as we leave worship, but actually can begin long before we depart?

Not everyone can conduct a complete Bible study with others, but there are five vital things that every member can do which can open the doors for the teaching of the lost. How many of these are part of your life?

We all can welcome visitors. There is no way to over emphasize the importance of the first impressions made on those who visit our services. From the moment you exit your car, start looking for those you do not know. That friendly word spoken to them as they walk toward our building will never be forgotten. Do not be concerned that the person you greet might be a member you have not met; go ahead and greet them. If they are members, your life will be enriched!

We all can “pass visitors on” to others. Here’s the idea behind “passing visitors on” to others. Tell them about the classes we have or bring them to our greeters. Then, if you find out where they work, where they were born or where they now live, use this information and introduce them to someone with similar interests! The point is, do not just walk away from them.  Get other members involved in their lives.

We all can write to visitors. The addresses of our visitors are available on Sunday nights, and the opportunity is given to write to visitors every week. Write them a brief note, remind them who you are and encourage them to come again. Of course, you can write all visitors, but those you meet will remember you.

We all can tell others about visitors. We must do all we can to reach those who reach out to us. Tell the elders, preachers or secretaries who you met and what you learned about them. This helps so much in following up on those who come our way.

We all can look for visitors to come again. When you meet visitors in the parking lot, those who happen to sit next to you, or those who were passed on to you, be on the lookout for them at other services. First impressions are so important, but the “second greeting” from you can have an even greater impact. So, let us all begin evangelism long before we leave the building!

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