The First Day of the Week

The First Day of the Week

Christians worship God on the First Day of the Week.

Christians worship God on the First Day of the Week.

When I was a small boy, I remember going to worship services upon the first day of the week.  As we got dressed, ate cereal and got in the car, I noticed that there was hardly anyone in sight.  There were very few neighbors out, or at least I did not think they were out and there was not many people on the roads.  Now, we had to drive about 14 miles or so to the church building and even on the highways there was hardly anybody there.  Most of the businesses were closed except gas stations and it was because business owner knew the importance of the first day of the week.  Today, it seems that every business is open and the earlier the better.

A couple of months ago, during the week, we stopped into a fast food restaurant and I noticed how beautifully decorated it was.  There were fresh flowers on the tables, nice pictures on the wall and it sem like some kind of mural all across one wall.  As I went in for a closer observation, I noticed that it was about the history of their business.  But, there was something that else.  There was an old fashion looking door and next to it, it said, “People always ask us, “Why you are closed on Sunday?”  We respect the hard work of our employees.  As a result, we believe in giving them the day off to worship, if they choose, or spend time with family and friends.”  Now, under that old fashion door, it says, “NEVER ON SUNDAYS” and it reminded me of the days of my youth.  But, what has happened that most people no longer see the first day of the week as nothing important?

People forget that this is the Lord’s day.  It is called the Lord’s day because the Lord was raised upon the first day (Matthew 28:31).  The Church of the Lord was established upon the first day (Acts 2).  Christians in the first century as well as today meet to worship God and to remember the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection in a memorial supper upon the first day (Acts 20:7).  We give of ourselves out of that which God has prospered us, upon the first day (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

It is pleasant to see signs that say NEVER ON SUNDAYS, who reminds not only the worldly people, but godly as well, that there are more important things to do on Sunday, than make money or rest.  Sunday is a time off.  It is a time to focus on our Lord.  It is a time to focus on the Church.  It is a time to focus on God and our worship to Him.  It is a time to focus on the great sacrifice of our Lord’s body.  It is a time to focus on giving richly as God has richly given us.  But, we cannot do this if we do not have in our minds and in our hearts that the Lord’s day is called the Lord’s day for a reason.  It belongs to Him.  May we remember this when we choose to not see its importance.  May we remember that if someone in the world can say, NEVER ON SUNDAY, how much more should a Christian say these words?  May we always remember, upon the first day.

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