Unity Together or Apart

Unity Together or Apart

Here are a couple of sayings with which you may be familiar:

  1. “If you want something done, do it yourself.”
  2. “Never ask someone to do something you aren’t first willing to do yourself.”

    Unity can be broken by many actions.

    Unity can be broken by many actions.

As humans, it seems we always have an opinion about how others can improve their lives.  The other person could go to college, work harder, study more, aim higher, make better financial decisions, etc.  Yet, how often is it that criticism given by someone who is not willing to engage in the same activities?  Note:  This is not the same as criticism from someone telling you not to engage in something destructive, though they have never done so themselves.  We are talking about someone giving you advice which they themselves are not willing to follow.

Folks in the Church are often guilty of these same actions.  They instruct others to sing, yet, they do not sing.  They instruct others to study, yet, they do not study.  Advice is given, yet the advisor ignores their own advice.  There are a few churches that I know of who speak of unity among the brethren.  They have actively discouraged the multiple congregations in their town and area for not being in one location under one body of elders.  The congregations are small and close to dying, most without elders, and they all agree doctrinally.  Yet, they will not unite together under one roof.  Gossip has started.  Frustration has mounted.  Hurt feelings have resulted.  What are the limitations?  The most significant factor is the fact that none want to sell their (paid off) buildings.

Jesus in speaking in Luk 18:22-23 stated:

… One thing thou lackest yet: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me. But when he heard these things, he became exceeding sorrowful; for he was very rich.

Jesus speaks in those verses to the desire of man to hold on to his physical possessions, rather than moving forward in serving Christ.  The congregations we are examining here are holding to their physical possessions.  None is willing to take the first vulnerable step and commit to putting a for sale sign on their lots.  None are willing to strive for unity in the name of Christ, due to their inflexible human desires.  Sadly, much pain is felt from lack of unity.  Men qualified as deacons and elders cannot be appointed.  Brothers and sisters are building “made up” animosity with one another.  Even the issue of race is being mentioned.  All of this from good kind people, who have glanced briefly away from Christ.

Resolution, could be biblically met in two distinct ways.

1) Talk about Unity and be willing to follow through on the words spoken.

2 Cor 1:18 But as God is faithful, our word toward you is not yea and nay.

2) Do not speak of the topic of geographic unity anymore and instead work together in unity in separate locations serving God together.

Col 3:17 And whatsoever ye do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

In all that we instruct, we must first be willing to do the very same words we say.  If not, we create pain, damage, and disharmony among others.  This is true both in the church and in the world.  In doing so, we will lead by a solid Christian example and others will be willing to follow the wise words which we speak.

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