Unheralded Woman of Great Faith

Unheralded Woman of Great Faith

The popularity of Jesus early in His time on the earth was so immense. The multitudes followed Him and everywhere He went more were added to the number. Some came out of curiosity, others to be fed by Him with loaves and fishes, but some out of genuine concern for their personal need. As He was walking to the house of Jairus, whose twelve-year-old daughter was dying, the Bible described those who were around Him. Peter told Jesus, “Master the multitude throng and press You” (Luke 8:45). In that throng was one special woman whose faith that Jesus was truly Emmanuel surpassed the faith of almost all of those there.

She was a woman in a society where women were often viewed as property and were treated with contempt. It is so remarkable how often Jesus in His work interacted with women. His regard for all of them stands in marked contrast to the culture in which He lived.

She was a poor woman. She was sick and had spent all of her money trying to find a cure for illness. That society had little respect for the poor. In fact, even the apostles thought the rich would be at the front of all those who entered the kingdom. When Jesus spoke of how hard it was for them to enter the kingdom (remember what He said about the eye of the needle) the apostles said, “Who then can be saved?” (Mark 10:26).

She was an unclean woman. The law of Moses paid special attention to the ceremonial uncleanness brought about by the flow of blood this woman had had for twelve years. It is likely that those around her, if they knew of her condition, would have avoided her in every way.

She was a humble woman. She pressed through that mob around Him and approached Him from the rear, hoping to touch the hem of His garment to find healing without being noticed. Her faith was realized and immediately she was cured. There were many garments worn in that crowd, but there was something different about His garment!

She was a woman who told others about what Jesus had done for her. After Jesus had asked, “Who touched Me,” she came forward and “…declared to Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched Him and how she was healed immediately” (Luke 8:47).

She was a woman of great faith. Jesus said, “Your faith has made you well, go in peace” (Luke 8:48). There is a place in His kingdom for the sick, the poor and those treated with disdain by others. There is room for each of us.

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