Unguarded Approach

On July 4th, 1776, a British armada carrying some 34,000 soldiers began landing on Staten Island where Lt. Gen. Sir William Howe made his headquarters.  On August 22nd, they began preparing to cross from Staten Island to just south of Brooklyn on Long Island and by August 26th they were heading toward Brooklyn which was defended by George Washington’s Continental Army of 13000.  Howe’s goal was the capture of Manhattan Island where the British would have control of the Hudson River driving a wedge between the American forces.  On August 27th, the British attacked and drove back Washington’s men to the BrooklynHeights.  This forced Washington to retreat over the East River to ManhattanIsland by a dangerous but brilliant night crossing. The Jamaican pass was the key to British victory because they were able to march a large force and flank Washington’s armies.  The Jamaican pass was surrendered without a shot being fired because it was an unguarded approach.

The Christian soldier fights his battles on a daily basis.  While the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4), we must still keep an eye open on all avenues through which Satan would seek to take advantage of us (2 Corinthians 2:11).  If we leave any approach unguarded, Satan will surely use that to devour us (1 Peter 5:8).  What are some of these unguarded approaches that Satan may use?

One often unguarded approach is the television set.  Hollywood loves to influence the nation toward its liberal philosophy by means of broadcast media.  Television allows such control.  Homosexuality has made favorable inroads into the American consciousness through television programs that desensitize the subject through humor and sympathy.  Television has undermined the authority of the husband and father in the home by casting them as ridiculous and unnecessary.  Television also has a great effect upon our speech; what is said on television is imitated by its fanatics.  Satan has insidiously flanked us through this unguarded approach.

Another unguarded approach is personal modesty.  The temptation for many is to disregard decency and reveal as much of one’s body as possible exposing breasts, buttocks, and bellies.  Is it any wonder that our country has problems with unwanted pregnancy, venereal disease, and unwed mothers?  According to some recent studies, the average age for a girl losing her virginity is 14.9 years old. Satan has outwitted many of our youth through this unguarded approach.

Finally, many of us are so consumed with managing the details of our own lives that we never find the time to work for the Lord.  We wake up, eat breakfast and then are off to work.  We get home, eat dinner, watch TV and the day is over.  When do we read our Bibles, spend some time in prayer, or talk to a friend about the Lord?  This process repeats itself daily until Sunday when we have to take the day off “for self.”  Satan has conquered us through this unguarded approach.

How many other unguarded approaches do we have?  The question at this point isn’t do we have them, but what to do about them.  We must be vigilant in not giving Satan any advantage over us.  We need to keep a close watch on those approaches that we take for granted and leave unguarded.  Let us be sober minded, realizing that Satan can use any avenue we leave unguarded.  We have a good fight to fight; let us fight it with perseverance and truth.

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