Ungrateful for the Gift

Ungrateful for the Gift

In a couple of days, Christmas morning will once again be upon us. Countless children (of all ages) will awaken with excitement and make their way to the tree to finally open the many gifts left thereunder for them. Anxious parents and others who have patiently planned, purposed, purchased, put together, poured themselves into, and then packaged and placed so many precious expressions of their love and caring beneath the tree, will also be anxiously awaiting the excited expressions of loving gratitude on the surprised faces of those they have so sought to please…

Are you excited about what you have received?

Are you excited about what you have received?

However, in some cases, a cold, harsh, human reality will soon set in, as so many of those gifts of love – systematically planned and sacrificially purchased with only the best of intentions – will be unceremoniously cast aside, thoughtlessly tossed away, or rapidly returned to the store – totally unwanted, unloved, and unappreciated.

It is one thing to do that with those earthly items that are destined to perish with time (even though sometimes deeply hurting the loving giver in the process). It is quite another thing to do that with the greatest and most infinitely priceless and powerful gift you can ever receive in the entire universe though – hurting and rejecting almighty God and His great love more than you can possibly humanly imagine in the process.

From the Scriptures we understand that God, in His great and eternal love, mercy, and purpose, had a divine plan in place before time began, to give you the greatest of all gifts – eternal life, IN Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 6:23; Eph. 3:8-12; 1 Jn. 5:11-13, 20). Hence, God carefully wrapped His incredible gift in human flesh (Jn 1:14; Heb. 2:14-17), and gladly allowed His greatest of all gifts, to be placed upon – instead of under – a tree… just for you (Isa. 53:4-10; Acts 2:22-24; Gal. 3:13-14). This great gift of God’s love even comes with a perfect, priceless, and divinely-inspired instruction book on how to get the absolute best out of life (Psa. 19:7-11)!

However, one difference is that while today’s electronic gifts need to be recharged regularly if they are going to work correctly, when we receive God’s gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus, it is WE who must be regularly recharged by being plugged into both the Bible and the Lord’s church on a daily basis – lest we run out of power and die as well.

So, what are you doing with God’s great and priceless gift to you? Have you received it (Rom. 6:1-5)? Have you exchanged it (1 Jn. 2:15-17)? How often do you open the instruction book and study it (Jn. 6:68; Acts 17:11)?

For as many as receive Him… can become children of God (Jn. 1:12)!


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