

“How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!”(Proverbs 16:16 KJV)understanding

Solomon was born into wealth. He was the son of King David. David as king had grown very wealthy. Revenue was coming into his coffers regularly. When David died and appointed Solomon to reign in his stead, with that reign came David’s wealth.

So, when Solomon was given the choice by God to ask for anything he humbly recognized his youth and experience and asked God to grant him the wisdom and understanding to rule the nation. This shows us the heart of young Solomon – he wanted to rule, not for what he could gain from that rule – but because he wanted to lead the nation as a wise and benevolent ruler. God was pleased with his request and gave him a wise and understanding heart so that he could rule, but also gave him wealth and honors to the degree that he was the wealthiest and most honorable or well-known king of his time. He became the wealthiest man who ever lived. God was pleased with his early life and early devotion to him. Later, that would not be the case, as Solomon in his old age was turned away from God by the ungodly influence of his wives. (If only he had heeded the Proverb later in this very chapter, “The hoary head is a crown of glory, IF it be found in the way of righteousness.”)

But early in his reign Solomon used his great wisdom to increase the Kingdom, not through warfare, but through diplomacy and economics. As a result, he became fabulously wealthy and world renowned in as much as other monarchs traveled great distances to see his Kingdom for themselves and to seek his wisdom.

Solomon recognizes the superiority of wisdom and understanding over silver and gold because wealth can be lost, stolen, or otherwise degraded and often beyond our control. But with wisdom and understanding if one is careful and diligent in growing their intellect through study and meditation, that wisdom and understanding can never be lost or stolen. One who has wisdom and understanding of God’s word and will and who lives by those things may lose all their worldly possessions but still be better off than the unrighteous person who possesses much silver and gold. Seek God’s wisdom and understanding. Apply yourself to obeying God and His Word. Seek those things which are above and lay up for yourself treasures in heaven. You may not become rich or famous or gain worldly honors, but you will have a greater blessing for eternity in heaven, which would beggar the worldly riches of the richest man who ever lived.

Read 1 Kings 3:5-14, Psalms 37:25; Matthew 6:19-21; Colossians 3:1-3; James 2:5

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