Two Men Have a Decision to Make

Matthew 19:16 tells us of a rich young man who
came to Christ with an important question:
Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have
eternal life?”
In Acts 16:30 a jailer asked a similar
“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Both
men received an answer; but how did they respond?

In Matthew’s account, the rich young man was called
upon to make a mighty big sacrifice – to choose
Christ over his vast riches (v. 21).  Unfortunately, he
would not, and departed from the Lord in sorrow (v.
22).  The jailer, however, made the sacrifice of
turning his life over to the Lord, for after hearing the
gospel (Acts 16:32) he (and his family also) were
baptized into Christ (v. 33).

Two men have a decision to make.  Both men are
trying to get onto a lifeboat as their ship is sinking.
The first man wants to be saved but is not willing to
let go of his heavy luggage, and so he drowns.  The
second man quickly discards his luggage and is
received onto the lifeboat – gaining his salvation from
the water.  Friends, which man best describes you?

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