Treasures of Wickedness – Proverbs 10:2

Treasures of Wickedness – Proverbs 10:2

“Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.” (Proverbs 10:2) KJVtreasures of wickedness

Treasures gained by wickedness lead to no profit at all. In fact, whatever treasure is gained by wickedness is also stained by that wickedness. Someone has said, “Money doesn’t know where it came from.” However true that may be, you will know how you obtained it and so will God! If you were somehow to steal from or defraud someone of millions of dollars and get away with it–commit the “perfect” crime – (or win the lottery, which is simply theft or fraud by consent of the numerous victims) you could live a life of luxury and opulence, which the world would have you believe is the very definition of happiness. Even if you could do that, and get away with it, it still would not profit you. Why? Because money cannot buy the things that are most important in life. Yes, it could buy you a #5 Combo Meal with Jalapenos at Whataburger and that would make you happy – you’d just be hungry again later – but there is no spiritual profit from temporal happiness. Spiritual happiness or joy which the Bible refers to as blessedness is the only thing that matters.

Righteousness on the other hand, even if it comes with poverty, is of great profit! It will save you  from spiritual death! Salvation from spiritual death leads to the condition of blessedness. There’s the true spiritual profit!

Read Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:6-8

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