Treasure the Book

Treasure the Book

“Ane furthermore, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh,” Ecc. 12:12. Here is warning from Divine wisdom. The nature of books is that they can be either good and useful or destructive and bad. The nature of the words in the book makes all the difference. It saddens me that some have taken the American freedom of speech, designed to allow Americans to criticize the government and hold the government accountable, and have turned it into “license” to spew forth, vomit out, any vulgarity or profanity. Books, and magazines, are sold for outrageous profits and their only design is to destroy the biblical concept of morality. I will not give those putrid things the honor of using their names. Great evil has been foisted on the American people under the disguise of “freedom of speech and expression.” I see no way of turning back this tide. Once some judge gave pornography, vulgarity and profanity acceptability, the flood gates were opened.

A book can be a treasure or a pit.

A book can be a treasure or a pit.

Apparently Hitler and others like him burned books. They desired to destroy any idea which would, for all to see, clarify them for what they were, monsters. Something in the back of my mind says, “Don’t burn books.” On the other hand, some books are so evil and so destructive of good, right and truth, that they should never be allowed to see their first printing completed. In the first century, when those who practiced magical arts became Christians, Scripture says they, “…brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all, and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed,” Acts 19:19. Notice, however, that this was not the act of some government but of individuals who owned these books. Perhaps it is time for the Faithful to look into their libraries and, if finding trash there (products of denominational writers, sectarians, men such as Max Lucado {who has done as much to destroy the beautiful bride of Christ, His church as has anyone}), then, individually to take these out and burn them. Do you allow pornography in your home? Destroy it. Ephesians 5:11 still says, “…and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them;…”

On the other hand, there are many good books, papers and magazines which will benefit all humanity. Well, of course, The Holy Bible is to be recognized as such. But more, there are books of wonderfully scriptural lectureships which set forth both in depth studies of specific scriptures, but also significant studies of Biblical doctrines and concepts. Some monthly or quarterly papers and magazines can be useful both for private study and for the proper edification our children and youth. You can find them if you really desire to.

Okay, books can be either useful, useless or dangerous and destructive. Content, words and visuals, determine which they are. How will I use books? How will you use books? Will a book or books help us go to heaven or hinder our spiritual growth? If Jesus told the truth in Luke 8:15, AND HE DID, then personal honesty and integrity is the determining factor for correctly, that is, “rightly dividing the word of truth,” 2 Tim 2:15. Let’s use books correctly, especially God’s book!

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