Total Acceptance of All Ideas

The Folly of Total Acceptance of All Ideas Equally

The watchword in our society that permeates so many aspects of life is acceptance. The values of any single member of society is equal to the values of any other single individual. There is no single answer to any question that is actually right, so every person defines “truth” based on their own experiences.

As an illustration of this, look at our world’s definition of marriage and sexual activities. For so many, there is no difference in living together without marriage and living together inside a marriage. Comments like, “We have been together for fifteen years, but just got married two years ago” illustrate this so well. Our society, based on the idea of total acceptance, forbids anyone to make any judgment about these situations.

acceptance truth

How does a view of accepting all things as equal fit with the teachings of the Bible?

You see the same when terms like “my significant other” or “my partner” are given the same values as those who say, “my husband” or “my wife.” The idea of total acceptance censors those who say there is a difference between any of these words.

The end result is the same. Anyone who accepts anything never can fully embrace anything! Since all ideas are equal in value, there is no way total acceptance of everything could ever allow anyone to fully accept anything. There is nothing absolutely true. We have no compass to guide us!

Now take this principle of accepting everything into the church and look at the results. Is worship totally subjective and consequently any meaningful way any one person chooses to worship has the same value as the way any other chooses to worship? How would such impact the Lord’s supper? There is no boundary as to what elements are found in the Lord Supper. There is no boundary as to when one eats the Lord’s Supper. There is no boundary as to whether one ever has the Lord’s Supper. One is told, “Judge not that you be not judged,” and such misuse of scripture results in a complete inability to find truth that is absolute. We have no compass to guide us. Never forget that anyone who accepts everything can never embrace anything. The Lord’s Supper can never have structure of any form if one accepts everything.

Take this view of tolerance and the acceptance of all ideas being equal and look at how it changes views toward sin. Look at how it changes the understanding of salvation and our view of someday standing before the Lord to be judged. There is truth. There is absolute truth. There is eternal truth. Jesus is absolutely the Messiah. He truly died and literally rose on the third day. He is coming again, and each person will be judged by the eternal truth. You can embrace this!

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