They Just Want Something Out of You!

They Just Want Something Out of You!

I got a phone call today saying that I had won the publisher’s clearing house prize of $250,000 and a new pickup truck. I was amazed that I had won considering that I never entered the drawing. Of course, this was a scam attempt. They hung up on me as soon as they realized that I wasn’t going to play along. I subsequently blocked that number from my phone. I’ve also noticed that the phone company has started labeling some calls as “Scam Warning” or “Potential Scam Alert” when the phone call comes in. That is helpful, I will say, but they probably soon will be wanting to charge me for the service. It seems that everyone wants something out of you somehow and someway.

False religion also smacks of this same tone. They say, “If you give $10, God will give you back $100. If you give $100, God will give you back $1000, and etc.” I’m not exactly sure how they know God will do this. Some cite Luke 6:38, “Give and it will be given to you,” but the context isn’t talking about giving, but judging vs. forgiving. I heard this verse used for giving when I was growing up and have even used it myself to preach on that topic, but alas, I was wrong in doing so and try not to do it anymore. Nevertheless, there are many who just want to get something out of you thinking godliness is a way of gain (1 Timothy 6:5).

True Christianity practices free-will giving, not mandatory tithing as many in the religious world sinfully command. Paul wrote, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

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