The Words of Eternal Life


The question in our heading is a question that the apostle Peter posed many years ago to the question from the Lord, “will you also go away?” There have been many times in my life that I have mentally asked myself the same question that Peter ask, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” The Bible reference reads, John 6:68, “Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.” ASV


The answer that Peter gave to the question that Jesus ask him indicates that Peter knew for sure that there was no other person to whom one could turn to gain the knowledge of salvation from sin. The understanding that Peter reveals to us about his estimation of Jesus knowledge indicates that he believed very deeply that Jesus was the Messiah. We can have the same kind of confidence in Jesus today because we have the completed Bible that attests to His Divinity.


There is not a person living today that does not need to be saved from their sin. Since this is man’s condition he needs to hear and heed the words of Jesus. As Peter says of the Lord in the context here, “… thou hast the words of eternal life.” Nothing in this world is more important than knowing to whom we must turn {i.e., heed} so that we will be able to solve the problem of sin in our life today. Jesus later says, “And ye shall know the truth and  the truth shall  make you John 8:32. We must always be aware of the fact; Jesus has the answer to sin in our life. Indeed, man can be saved from his sin if he is willing to seek it in the teaching of Christ and in his apostles teaching.

The question in our heading is a question that the apostle Peter posed many years ago to the question from the Lord, “will you also go away?” There have been many times in my life that I have mentally asked myself the same question that Peter ask, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” The Bible reference reads, John 6:68, “Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.” ASV


The answer that Peter gave to the question that Jesus asks him indicates Peter knew for sure that there was no other person to whom one could turn to gain the knowledge of salvation from sin. The understanding that Peter reveals to us about his estimation of Jesus knowledge indicates that he believed very deeply that Jesus IS the Messiah.


There is not a person living today that does not need to be saved from their sin. Since this is man’s condition he needs to hear and heed the words of Jesus. As Peter says of the Lord in the context here, “… thou hast the words of eternal life.” Nothing in this world is more important than knowing to whom we must turn {i.e., heed} so that we will be able to solve the problem of sin in our life today. Jesus later says, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” – John 8:32.

We must always be aware of the fact; Jesus has the answer to sin in our life. Indeed, man can be saved from his sin if he is willing to seek it in the teaching of Christ [i.e. the Written Word – “BIBLE”].

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