The Story of the Floating Ax

In 2 Kings 6:1-7 the account is told of a man who was using a borrowed ax when suddenly the ax head fell off into the water.  And so the man cried out and said, “Alas, master!  For it was borrowed.” This was a dilemma for he would now have to make it good with the owner (Exod. 22:14).  However, Elisha the prophet cut off a stick and threw it into the water, and he made the iron float.  The fact that the ax head rose to the top of the water and floated is evidence of God’s divine power.  It was a miracle!  It was something that the man could not have done.  Elisha then told the man, “Pick it up for yourself” – so the man reached out his hand and took it.  You see, what the man could not do for himself, God did.  But what the man could do, God would not do.  This is also true in the life of the Christian.  God will do much for us, but He expects us to do what we can.

Several years ago, a preacher noticed a Christian mother doing the amount of work that two women should do.  He asked her, “Sister, how do you get it all done?”  She said, “With my hands and arms I reach as far as I can, then God’s hand meets mine.”  I believe there is a lesson for us in this, friends.  Do your best and let God do the rest.

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