The Small Things

Have You Overlooked Something?

God’s people had just returned from Babylonian captivity. They had no temple, no priesthood, no altar, and the city of Jerusalem was in ruins. This was far different from the glorious days of the past, and it would have been so easy to be discouraged. The holy city once had a population of hundreds of thousands, but the number of those who returned from captivity was about 50,000. Jehovah knew their thoughts and said to them, “For who has despised the day of small things” (Zech. 4:10)? The intent of His words was to remind Israel that while men might despise small things, our God is the one who has always used “small things” to accomplish His purposes.

“For who has despised the day of small things” (Zech. 4:10)?

“For who has despised the day of small things” (Zech. 4:10)?

The Lord used Gideon’s small army to destroy the Midianites. The massive army of the Midianites had come against Israel with an army of at least 135,000. Gideon, having faithfully followed God’s instructions about reducing the size of his army, came with his army of 300 soldiers. It would have been so easy to “despise small things” which Gideon used. He was outnumbered four hundred and fifty to one. We must learn to not despise small things when God is involved in using them. Had Gideon’s army equaled the size of the enemy’s army and won the battle, men could have given glory to Gideon. Read the story in Judges 7, and when you get to the end, all the glory belongs to God!

The Lord used the widow’s small bottle of oil to feed her son and Elijah for months and months. The prayer of Elijah had shut the windows of heaven and brought devastation on all the people of the land. At God’s instruction, the prophet left Israel and went toward Syria where he met the widow who lived in Zarephath (1 Kings 17). She and her son were dying of starvation, but she took the last oil from her jar and made a cake for Elijah. Miraculously, the oil in the jar kept replacing itself, and the container of flour did not run out until Elijah prayed again. One might despise the small container of oil as insignificant, but God used the small jar to accomplish His work.

The Lord can use the small things you have to accomplish His purposes. You may think you have little which God can use, but you are so wrong. The widow’s two mites have taught millions about giving. The rod in Moses’ hand parted the Red Sea and brought a river of water flowing from the rocks.

Is it possible we have overlooked “small things” we have? We have added souls to the kingdom from those small business cards and booklets available in the foyer. The friendly warmth at Palm Beach Lakes comes from joyful greetings of many members. The House to House labels and the magnetic bumper stickers have lead the lost to Jesus. Think about it. Are you letting God use your “small things” for His purposes?

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