The Simplicity of the Way of Jesus

The Simplicity of the Way of Jesus

Not too long ago, I saw on Facebook an article about an almost pristine Caddo canoe that was discovered in Louisiana. Archeologists were examining it, but it looked to be authentic. Such discoveries thrill us because they give us some insight into the history of our area and how native people’s lived hundreds of years ago. We believe that we can learn from the past, and so we invest energy into discovering things of the past and studying them. We also value primitivism. This is the notion that the peoples of the past did things better than we did. We may view their lifestyle as superior to ours because of its simplicity, resourcefulness, and originality.

simplicity way

The way of Christ is the beauty of simplicity.

While the things that we learn from a Caddo canoe are limited, we can certainly apply these principles to our spiritual life. We look to the teaching, example, and life of Jesus as the one who did things better than we do them. His was truly a superior lifestyle being simple, resourceful, and original in its spirituality. Jesus didn’t complicate things like we do; He didn’t seek all the worldly pursuits that we engage in; He trusted in the blessings of His Father one day at a time. His plan is simple, resourceful, and original, and it is best to stick with Him. This is why He said, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Let’s not complicate things with so-called “contemporary” spiritual pursuits, but trust in the primitive, simple words of Jesus.


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