The Show Must Go On…

The Show Must Go On… But Not Here!

The music gets louder and louder; the songs get rowdier and less reverent; the light show and sound systems get larger and more expensive; because all that matters, is that “the show must go on.” No I’m not talking about the latest superstar tour, but about the latest “Pop-Culture,” “Cater-To-The-Young-People-At-All-Cost,” “Concert Christianity” mentality that is cutting a devastating swath of destruction through most ‘churches’ today, as the only thing that seems to matter to many is doing whatever it takes, to hopefully, maybe, get more young people into the building. It doesn’t seem to matter to these entertainment-oriented, increase-the-numbers-at-all-cost (which it usually, in reality doesn’t) supporters, whether or not God is honored and reverenced; whether His deeper truths are actually studied and obeyed; or how many seasoned, stalwart seekers of God are offended and run off in the process; all that matters is the latest fad; that “Rock-n-Roll Religion” is here to stay. The world has indeed fatally infected and afflicted today’s religious world.

If you are one of those more mature members of a local church group who have either been run off from, or are seriously considering leaving a local denomination – including especially even those so-called, once faithful but now fallen away into apostasy “churches of Christ” – because of this egregious epidemic, then please consider coming by to visit your local, still faithful to the old paths, biblically blueprinted church of Christ. What you will find is an extremely faithful to God’s Word, devoted and loving family of God’s children where you will be warmly welcomed to constantly study, seek, and obey God’s will with us straight out of His eternal Word.

Do we love our young people? Absolutely! And it is precisely because we do love them so very much, that we will continue to teach them the all-consuming and soul-saving truth that GOD COMES FIRST, before them and their wants and desires or anyone else’s for that matter. And that we who do love Him will compromise His truth for no one – NO ONE –young or old – including them (Matthew 10:32-39)!

His faithful church has remained fiercely loyal to His truth for the last 1,980 years – even in the face of torture and death; it does not and will not change to fit the latest worldly fads and follies now (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1). We refuse to become the “Church of Culture,” preferring instead, to remain the church OF CHRIST (Romans 16:16; John 14:15; Acts 4:12); because both ours and their souls are far too important, and eternity is far too long a time, to do anything less.

What about you? Don’t give up on God because your ‘church’ has chased you off. Come check out His unchanging church instead as seen in the sacred text of the divinely-inspired New Testament!

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