The Immune System – It’s Intelligently Complex!

The Immune System – It’s Intelligently Complex!

I have been reading a book lately called “Darwin’s Black Box” by Michael J. Behe. The book is about how Darwin himself set the conditions for how his theory of evolution could be proven false. In his own words Darwin said, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” In his book, Behe demonstrates with several examples at the molecular level how gradual evolutionary change fails because of the need for multiple things to evolve simultaneously, which is mathematically impossible.

Complex immune system

We have a complex immune system.

Part of his research involves studying the complexity of the immune system in the human body and how the body responds to foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. It is an incredibly complexly designed system the details of which could not be explained in this short article. One interesting thing about the system is that each antibody has a unique protein “key” that matches the unique protein “lock” on the invading organisms. One would wonder how the antibodies could “match” up. There are so many of these different antibodies in our bodies that the diversity of “keys” is guaranteed to match up with the unique “locks.” Once the body finds the correct “key,” it then immediately begins to manufacture millions of these antibodies with the correct “key” to attack the invading organisms. The result is that the bacteria or virus is attacked and destroyed by the body’s defenses. (I apologize to our medical people for my crude description of this system. I know it is much more complicate than this!) This system demonstrates tremendous intelligence to anticipate the numerous invaders that could destroy the body. God’s design is truly amazing.


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