The Grace Recognized by the Giver

The Grace of God Recognized by the Giver

There is an amazing truth found in Paul’s second letter to Corinth. The church there was collecting funds for the needy saints in Judea, and Paul writes to them encouraging them to be liberal. We often hear some of his words in our assemblies before the collection is taken. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7) What we may have overlooked is what is said in the next verse. “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound for every good work.” Look at the words carefully—all grace, always, all sufficiency, all things, every good work. The proper motivation is not to give in order to get, but Paul affirms that God is able to bless those who do give so that they might have more to give.generosity of God

Think of Judas and his attitude toward the money entrusted to him by Jesus. He verbalized a concern for the poor when the woman spent so much for the ointment that she used to anoint Jesus. He was a thief and none of the apostles knew it! Now contrast this with the attitude of the woman giving her two mites at the temple. What a contrast between two drastically different hearts.

The reality is that God owns the world, and He does not have to rely on us to support His work. He lets us give so that we can be reminded of the blessings He gives. Now think about it. If the Lord “needed” funds, to whom does He give it so that it might be given back to Him? There is no assurance that He would give it to someone with a covetous heart like Judas. Consider this. If He “needed” funds, He could rest assured that it would be given back to Him if he gave it to person whose heart was like the heart of that widow.

The reality is that He is able to always give with all grace to ensure that there is all sufficiency for every good work. Do not lose sight of this truth. God will always help us do His work.

Does He not faithfully supply us with food and clothing? He does for the birds and the lily of the valley. We are worth so much more that the birds and live so much longer than flowers. Now add to this Jesus’ affirmation about what God will always supply for His children. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6:33).

Love the Lord. Love the kingdom. Love righteousness. That’s our part. Then, as we give back to God that which He first gave to us, think of Paul’s words to the Corinthians—all grace, always, all sufficiency and every good work. He will bless us to do His work!

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