The Fire of Adonai

The Fire of Adonai

In this Christian-based fantasy, two young girls embark upon a quest of biblical proportions as they navigate through the world of the book of Revelation, a.k.a. Calypsion. Ruth’s parents, Enoch and Naomi, are avengers who pursue criminals and bring them to justice, but their work takes a turn for the worse when they are enslaved in the city of Mizraim governed by the greedy Zelophehad. Katabe is a girl from the midwest United States who is magically transported to Calypsion to help in its most desperate hour. With the Red Wyrm as their enemy, the two will join together to gather the needed materials to seal the 144,000. But how did these two very different people meet in the first place? In The Fire of Adonai, they will learn that friendship can begin under the most difficult circumstances, and that relationships are not built on doing evil, but good.

If you are looking for good clean fiction to read to your family, then you will enjoy reading Katabe and the Seven Seals: The Fire of Adonai. Written with the Christian worldview in mind, this book will provide a wealth of opportunities for you to have spiritual discussions with your loved ones about the differences between right and wrong. Christian families, home school groups, and youth educators will also enjoy the rich vocabulary and biblical references contained throughout this work.

Kevin Cauley (contributing author at Church of Christ Articles), writing under the name pen name Marion Merriweather is a husband, father, and biblical scholar. He has a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts from the University of Texas at Austin and a master’s degree from St. Edward’s University. He currently resides in Northeast Texas. He is an avid reader of fantasy and biblical literature. His literary inspiration derives from C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, and numerous other fantasy authors.

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