The Faith of One of the Thieves

The Faith of One of the Thieves

Hebrews chapter eleven is often described as the chapter listing the “Heroes of Faith.” It truly deserves this title and just to think of the lives of those who are listed there builds our faith. However, there may be some whose faith has been overlooked and whose lives we should also consider.  One of these is a man who made such tragic mistakes in his life and both Jews and Romans thought he should be punished in the gruesome torture of crucifixion. Let’s take time to consider the faith of one of the thieves crucified with Jesus (Luke 23:32-43).thieves

It is remarkable how much he knew about Jesus even though so few verses are devoted to him.

  • He knew the innocence and purity of Jesus. While at first he was part of the mocking of Jesus, he rebuked the blasphemy of the other thief.
  • He knew the importance of fearing God and his words seem to indicate he was aware of the deity of Jesus. “Do you not fear God?” To disrespect this man is to show an absence of the fear of God.
  • He knew that Jesus was Lord. He began the sentence we know so well about remember me by calling Jesus “Lord.” He understood the authority Jesus had over death.
  • He knew about the fact that Jesus had come to establish His kingdom. How he learned of the kingdom is not told and if he had seen any miracles of Jesus is not specified. He knew that the kingdom was about to be established.
  • He knew about the grace of Jesus. It is strange that a man whose life had brought about his crucifixion did not say, “Lord, forget me when You come in your kingdom.”
  • He knew that Jesus’ death would not keep the kingdom of God  from being established by Jesus. The apostles saw the death of Jesus at the end. Those two men on the road to Emmaus showed they thought it had ended.  “We had hoped He….”
  • He had some realization of some form of the resurrection of Jesus. The cross was not the end. There was more! The apostles did not believe the words of women who told them of His resurrection. Yet this man, in the face of His death, knew that in some way both he and Jesus would meet again.

God does not just honor the “Heroes of Faith.” Emmanuel honored the great faith of a sinful man who trusted Jesus to always do what was right.

As we think about those “heroes of faith,” let us never overlook how Jesus honors those with the faith the size of a mustard seed.

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