The Duty of the Prophet

The Duty of the Prophet

As we read from the prophet Ezekiel, we should be aware that while God is preparing Ezekiel to prophesy to the rebellious people of Israel, he is also given a profound and dire warning. If the man of God (Ezekiel particularly in this case) fails to warn the sinner of God’s judgment then the sinner will be lost and the man of God (Ezekiel) will also be held accountable. However, if the man of God faithfully proclaims God’s warning, and the sinner refuses to repent, then the sinner will be lost but the man of God will be justified (Ezekiel 3:18-21).

Ezekiel prophet

Are you warning or condemning?

Let us not however think that this warning is only for the inspired prophets of old. The apostle Paul said “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences” (2 Corinthians 5:11) While we don’t have the right or the authority to condemn sinners, we do have a responsibility to warn sinners from their evil ways and declare unto them the judgments of God. Love the sinner and hate the sin, enough to share the truth of God. This, too, is part of being faithful.

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