The Doctor is Too Busy to See You

Imagine this scenario. An unseen terrorist has entered America and introduced a fatal virus which swept across our land like the rising sun. While children are immune, every other citizen faces certain death from his actions.

Opportunists arise. Reminiscent of those “snake oil” peddlers of the old west, many buy into the promised cure from the plague around them. The land seems to be covered with such opportunists, who use every available avenue of advertising to enrich themselves. There are those who say what they offer actually works, but there is no proof.

Then, there is one doctor who appears and brings the only medication which actually destroys the virus. It brings new life to those who come to him. You hear about it, but when you try to get an appointment you are unable to reach him. You try again and again, but he is not available. Your loved ones are dying all around you, but you cannot get to the doctor. He’s overwhelmed and too busy to see you.

This scenario is not too far removed from reality! That “terrorist” is that serpent first seen in Eden, and that virus is sin. It has come to all, for all have sinned and fallen short (Rom. 3:23). Tragically, that virus promises so much and delivers so little. It brings none of the long term pleasure it offers, and all Americans have been deceived.

Opportunists have arisen and promised many that remedy is found in ignoring the reality of the symptoms so apparent. Others proclaim that saying a few short sentences will remove the virus of sin. All to no avail. So many have been fooled, but the consequence of the unseen virus is still there.

At this point the scenario changes. There is that Great Physician who has the only remedy for sin, and how thankful we should be that He is always available to us! He arrived on this earth with the message of salvation from the virus. “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Mark 2:17). His message is, “Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev. 22:17). The cure is for every person who desires to be saved by faithful obedience and service to Him!

That Physician has come. He has come for everyone. He is always available. That disease has swept across our land and infected all. It is in your life. Unlike doctors today who demand appointments be made weeks ahead of time, He is always ready. “Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).

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