The Defeat of the Last Enemy

It was forty-four years ago that I walked away from the grave of my father, and two years later, I stood at that same gravesite when my mother’s body was laid to rest beside him. I doubt there has been a single day that has passed since then that I have not thought of them. I remember the emotions which flooded my soul as I walked away.

I had those same emotions almost three years ago when I walked away from the grave of the most amazing brother any person could ever imagine having. I am positive that not a single day has passed without me thinking of Jerry Jenkins. He was and is, and always will be, my hero and the one whose footprints I have followed. As I write this, my heart aches as I think of how much I miss him.

The emotions I have experienced at those three graves begin with emptiness in my soul and cavernous holes in my heart. I walked away wondering how I could ever repay the debt I owe them for the eternal impact they have on me. I walked away determined to take every godly trait I saw in them and to the very best of my ability mirror those traits in my life.

Yet there was, and is, an even greater emotion which I carried from those dark hours, and that is the absolute assurance that I will see them again someday. So many times over the years I left their presence and would say, “I will see you later.” It always happened. I would leave, and then later we would be together again. As I walked from those gravesites my thoughts were, “I will see you later!” Oh, the blessedness of such thoughts! Oh, the debt I owe to their righteous lives for leaving me the assurance that I will see them, later!

The grim reaper comes to all, but how blessed we are that his appearance is overshadowed by the One who, by His own resurrection, opens the graves of those who are no longer with us. He not only opened the graves, but by faith we know He has gone to prepare a place for the saints. When He returns He will bring with Him those very saints and eternally we shall all be together. This is not a fairy tale. It is not a fond wish. By faith it is an absolute truth! The reality is that the grim reaper is a blessing. He opens the door to that for which we have all lived. Godly people leave behind a world cursed by sin and enter into a paradise with the redeemed.

When that last trumpet sounds there will be the ultimate defeat of the last enemy. “The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.” So when the trumpet sounds we shall be raised. No longer mortal and corruptible, but incorruptible and immortal. At that time the words will be fulfilled, “Death is swallowed up in victory.” Lord, hasten that day!

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