The Command of Love

How Great is Your Love

We hear a lot about the greatest command. We sing about it, pray about it, preach about it, but it seems that few Christians really practice it. Selfishness, envy, pride, arrogance, anger, hatred, vengeance, laziness, and indifference abound…sadly, even in the Lord’s church!

Do you show the commands of God in your life?

Do you show the commands of God in your life?

Paul warns those who have been grafted into the vine to not be high minded and think that they can’t also be removed (Romans 11). The Spirit also reminds us that we need to not think of our-selves more highly than we ought to think, but to be living sacrifices. This takes a transformation of our minds from worldliness to godliness (Romans 12:1–3).

Paul wanted all men to be saved and if that meant he would be lost so they all would be saved, then so be it (Romans 9:3). Shouldn’t we love each other that much? Thanks be to God that he loved us that much! Thanks be to God that Christ paid the price for our sins so that all could be saved. What a sobering thought to behold “the goodness and severity of God” (Romans 11:22).

Let each of us love good, hate evil, be kind, be busy, be joyful, be patient, pray, give, be hospitable, bless, and overcome evil with good. Humble yourself and be a servant to God and others, no matter who they are! Being a Christian and going to heaven is not a passive pursuit. Be active, be loving, and be faithful!

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