The Church of the Lord

As we look back over the history of the church nearly 20 Centuries has passed since the Lord stated to those in Caesarea Philippi that he would build his church (cf. Matt 16:13-18).  We know that Christ’s Church came into existence shortly after He made this prediction to those assembled (cf. Acts 12:1-47). As we read through the 2nd chapter of the Book of Acts we are impressed with the power of events that transpired on the birthday of the church of Christ.

One of the impressive things about the Lord’s Church is the number of Jews that heard, obeyed, and became the part of the church that day, some 3,000 (cf. Acts 2:36-42). The number of the disciples multiplied quickly as we are told in the early chapters of the Book of Acts (cf. Acts 2L41; 4:4). Today we wish to imitate this great growth against such great obstacles, yet, we must proceed with all the strength that we can muster to reach out to the lost and undone in this world and help them to see the right of the Lord’s church and her message. The first century disciples were busy, filled with zeal for God, and untiring in their efforts. It was stated about the early disciples that they “turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).

There are people today who believe that the Church of the Lord is withering and dying. To this philosophy I say :ridiculous”, the church is growing in many places and the only reason that it is not growing everywhere is that there are many disciples that are lazy and will not do their share of the work needed to keep sowing the good seed (i.e. getting our and evangelizing the lost all over the community). Indeed, the congregation will grow only if the elders, the preacher, and every member will do the personal work needed in the community (See Luke 8:11 – 1 Cor 3:6-7).

REMEMBER THIS: We are the sowers, are we sowing the good seed? Each of us should, to the extent of our ability go about our lives sowing the good seed.

Whenever a congregation is at peace, whenever the members of the congregation show love and concern about one another and their neighbors, whenever a congregation is busy doing the works of God (i.e. that which is revealed in the Bible). The church will grow and the congregation will be influential in the community in which it exists. Let us therefore involve ourselves in the effort to sow the good seed (i.e. spread the gospel message) Let us each do what we can! (NOTE – Matthew 5:13-16).

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