The Bible – Our Only Creed

Adapted from U.S. Marine Corps’ Rifleman’s Creed… (not a suggestion that we adopt this or any human creed)

“This is my Bible. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it in order to master my life. Without my study, my Bible is useless. Without my Bible, I will be useless. I must divide my Bible true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who as a roaring lion is seeking to devour me. I must fend him off before he devours me. With God’s Word I will. My Bible teaches that what counts in spiritual warfare is not simply the things I say or believe, but what I do. I know that it is doing the word and not being a hearer only that counts. I will do it.

God’s Word is alive, even as I am alive, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its strength, its promises, its books, its chapters and its verses. I will keep my Bible near and ready, even as I keep myself ready to defend its precepts. We will become part of each other.

Before God, I do make this promise. God’s Word is the defender of my soul. It will help me to master the devil, my enemy. It will bring the salvation of my soul. So be it, until victory is God’s and there is no enemy.”

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