The Anatomy of a Christian: The Hand

The human hand is truly unique.  Its versatility is
unparalleled and its capabilities seem endless.  The
hands can be so resourceful that they embody the
very essence of the term “multitasking.”  Perhaps
you have never thought of your hands in quite this
way before.  Maybe you are like so many of us who
(whether we mean to or not) take such things for
granted from time to time.  Well, regardless, we need
to always remember that God designed our hands for
godly purposes; but the question is do we use them
in the ways He intended.  As the old VBS song goes:
“Watch your hands, watch your hands, what they
do!”  Good advice.

Solomon encourages us to use our hands for noble
and worthy things (Eccl. 9:10; cf. 1 Thess. 4:11-12;
Eph. 4:28); but he also cautions that much of what
we do will not last (Eccl. 2:11).  We need to
remember that God has not only given us the ability
to work with our hands, but that those things we build
and accomplish will eventually perish, or else they
will belong to someone else when we die (2:18-23).
So don’t be too proud of your accomplishments.

With some, the works of their hands are an
abomination to the Lord (Rev. 9:20-21) because they
do evil things (Prov. 6:16-17; cf. Acts 2:23).  Friends,
God did not create our hands for evil purposes!
Neither did He create them for nothing.  The lazy
man is very displeasing to God (Prov. 6:6-11; Eccl.
10:18).  Think of it, a godly person will always “do”
what makes God happy.  But to all others He says,
“Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your
hearts, you double-minded”
(Jas. 4:8).  Can you
“grasp” what I’m saying?

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